hey it's me, back from the dead

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yeah, okay, okay, it's been approximately two years. sue me. 

stuff happens. what can i say? i decided to take what i thought was going to be a brief break from wattpad to focus on school and outside life, and then just went completely awol. i'm not gonna be surprised if everyone's already forgotten about me lmao.

anyways, i'm trying to get back on wattpad, even tentatively. but then again, i wouldn't get your hopes up since i said the exact same thing back in october 2018 and then just went completely awol again. 

most likely, i'll just be on here sporadically and using my wattpad message board to write down my random thoughts. maybe read occasionally. i'll update this book whenever i feel like it, which is probably not often.

so, yeah. that's where i am atm. oh, btw, this is version 3.0 of the life of a rose since wattpad deleted version 1.0 and version 2.0 was an absolute mess. 

and...you may have noticed i'm writing in lowercase. this is my attempt to be aesthetic. i know it's not really working.

so i guess we'll see how this goes?

- rose

the life of a rose [version 3.0]Where stories live. Discover now