The wedding of love!

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Later that week I had my wedding dress on and about to get married. I looked at my wedding dress as it flowed to the ground I looked at my shining Halo, and then myself I looked beautiful and today was the day I would make a new life with the person I love. Lets go get Married.

I walked down between the roll of chairs in the church and stood right beside the Man I love the most. We said our vowals and kissed as we kissed I took my hand and felt it through his soft brown spike up hair and he rubbed his Fingers through my soft blond hair in a pony tail. I realized I love this man so we kissed agian and agian and ran our marry way home to Heaven. After Heaven and Hell came to peace Me and Jay ran Heaven while Lucifer my father ran Hell. Jay sat on the throne as I sat on his lap. Heaven is now truly ours. I was so glad I ran Heaven. I was now actually a Queen with my very own true love as my King. I got my memory back and remembered my past with my Jay.

5 years later on September 26, 2028...
I got a call that day. It changed my life forever.

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