A Secret I Hold

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  He helped me up, I felt his warm hands holding my hands. I felt a heat go across my face, I had a feeling that I was blussing bright red. I had nothing to do but to look at him. As I looked he pulled me up back on the tree. I stared strait at him, I  felt safe next to him I just wanted to get closer to him, but I kept my distance. "Angel your safe" Jay said as he jumped down. I said this" Jay catch me." I jumped and he caught me in his arms. We laughed he put me down safely on the ground. He wrapped his hand around my back as he walked me towards my dad's castle and to my room. I got ready for the welcome home party and I got in a nice blue ball gown. That night I walked down the stairs and I saw my brother Zach I ran over towards him and gave him a hug. I then saw Jay come walking out from our family tree room and he looked worried. I ran over to him and he asked if I wanted to dance. We danced all night long and I saw how passionate he was.

He said bye angel see you tomorrow.  I said good bye and I walked into my room and listen to if he would say anything but besides I wish I could hang out with her more. I turned around and there was little Eva. " Where were you" she was angry in her cute tone. "Eva I was on earth feeling the summer breeze and Jay found me I fell out of a tree and Jay caught me that's all" I said to my sister" go to bed your room is over there" I  pointed out as I said to Eva. 

That night I couldn't sleep. I started to think that I have feelings for Jay. Did I, No I couldn't fall for a dark angel but he is kind and not trying to kill me maybe I do. I thought hours and hours deciding if I truly liked him and I decided I did. Also I decided I needed to practice fighting becuase I knew that heaven is practicing for the war. Later in the morning I put on my other war outfit which was a stained glass armor I found in heaven. I used my magic to heal my wings and I made a fighting area. I stood in the middle and snapped my fingers as 5 practice dummys came after me I pulled out my sword and sliced each arm off then there head. I snapped agian and 10 came this time. I slice 5 heads off and pulled out my 45 magnum and shot the other 5 right between the eyes. They fell on the ground and I snapped but this time there was 42 this time and I pulled out my sword ran to one end of the fighting arena and started to run. Then I jumped and slammed my sword down on the ground and they all fell down. Then I snapped both of my hands at the same time and a bigger fighting dummy appeared I grabbed my sword and then I pulled out another one just like it and flew up and dug my swords into it's head and watch as it started to bleed I pulled my swords out and put them away. I grabbed my 45 magnum and grabbed another I shot at the big creature over and over again. Then I shot at him and he finally fell. I cleaned my swords and I decided I needed a bigger gun so I threw my guns up and caught them agian as two double barrel shotguns. I knew theese would work. So I tryied again and took the big creature down with two stabs and 2 shots from each shotgun. I heard the footsteps coming towards me I grabbed my swords and pointed towards there neck and it was Jay. I lowered my swords. 

"Sorry Jay I was practicing fighting, you want to join in" I said to Jay as I look at him in sorrow and concerned. "Angel its okay and I would love to do some fighting practice" Jay said to me as he walked beside me. I used my magic to make make a stain glass armor for Jay and gave it to him. He put it on and grab a sword. I snapped and the creatures came out after us I sliced then I jumped and slammed my sword down and they all fell down. Jay stared at me as I was on the ground with them beside me they came agian I grabbed my shotguns and shot one by one. As Jay watched me fight I saw one right behind Jay and I yelled at him he turned around and his arm got slice I watched as his blood ran down his arm. I watched as red ran across his eyes and all I saw his blue pupils around the black of his eyes I just watched him. The silver sword turned darker. I watched as he sliced it in two. He turned around and looked at me and I pulled out my shotguns and shot the rest until one picked me up that has never happen before. Jay slammed his sword into his head and I fell. He jumped down and jumped up and caught me in mid air. 

"Angel you okay" Jay said to me with his sweet innocent voice of protection. "Thanks for catching me" I said to Jay. "No problem angel I here to help a beautiful angel like you any day" Jay said to me as he set me on the ground. When Jay caught me and his eyes turned black like mine do when I'm angry, I felt my world change. I knew right then that moment I realized that I'm in love with a dark angel. And it's a secret I held until 4 day later. 

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