The way we knew we were in love!

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After we had the big fight in Heaven we sat back under the tree cuddling and kissed. From that moment on I knew he was the only one for me. I layed there and then fell asleep.

Heaven and hell were finally at peace and I could finally be safe with Jay. We kissed and kissed over and over agian. I looked at him and said "Thoose lips are the only lips I will ever kiss."

"I love you too,Angel" Jay said as we looked into the sunset. I said "Jay I love you even more than ever since you saved me."Jay said as he walked away from me"We'll that make both of us and now we know this is true love we have for each other."
I had no idea what Jay was up to right now. I just listened. "Elva Proxima Angel" Jay said as he took a breath,"Ever since we meet we fell in love with each other, even after I saved you more than once I will always save you agian, and I'm asking this from the heart." Jay turned around a looked at me with his beating blue eyes and asked" Will you Mary me." I looked at his eyes then the Emerald ring and cried out"YES! YES I WILL MARRY YOU!" We kissed and I put the ring on. I would never forget this day.

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