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yoongmin wants to chat with you
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jiminmin: baby are you really just now ever texting me in Instagram 🤦🏻‍♂️

yoongmin: I never knew how to use this bullshit , sorry love. :(

jiminmin: its okay baby :)
jiminmin: did you want anything? And why aren't you just texting me over messages?

yoongmin: yes I did , and bc I didn't feel like it. I was already on ig, too much work to switch apps.

jiminmin: ^ - ^

yoongimin: antyways. You know how you and hoseok like never got along?

jiminmin: Uh duh. I am the one in the situation 🙄

yoongimin: I wouldn't catch a attitude if I were you.
yoongimin: now anyways he asked if you guys could meet up and talk? Maybe go out to eat with him.

jiminmin: why couldn't he ask me himself...

yoongimin: Jimin baby , he's literally scared of you. Do you not remember what happened on prom night?

jiminmin: o-oh

yoongimin: Yeah "o-oh"
yoongimin: look you don't have to go if you don't want baby boy , it's up to you

jiminmin: okay daddy.

yoongimin: aisshh

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