"Who ordered you to let the kitchen do this?" Lan You Nian lazily leaned against the stone pillar of the pavilion.

"What is third young miss saying? This slave doesn't understand," The maid's forehead touched the ground, seemingly respectful but refused to say anything.

"Zhang Lin, since she doesn't understand, give her 20 flogs," As soon as Lan You Nian finished, Zhang Lin ordered two of You Nian Pavilion's guards to press the maid to the ground. The paddle ceaselessly struck the backside of the maid.

The strength of the guards was great to begin with. Concerning the matter that their young miss being bullied, they already had a stifled fire in their belly, so now this flogging was really tearing the skin with the flesh gaping open.

"Ah——third young miss, this slave is wrong, this slave will confess! Beg third young miss to spare this slave!" After only five flogs, the maid couldn't take it anymore and asked for mercy.

Lan You Nian sent a look over. The guards stopped the paddle in their hands.

"It is the old Madame who gave the orders. She said third young miss is sick so had to eat something light. This slave was only acting according to the instructions of the old Madame! ” The maid dragged her bloody lower body to crawl up, continuously kowtowing.

"Oh? Since old Madame instructed only to make these light things? But aren't these a little too light, en?" Lan You Nian nudged the broken pieces with her foot. You could still see that unsightly vegetarian dishes and simple congee.

The maid stuttered, not daring to say, but Lan You Nian did not give her another chance, "Resume flogging!"

This time, Zhang Ling actually personally flogged her, "Third young miss, spare this slave! It is An yiniang who gave the orders ah! It is An yiniang who gave the orders ah!" The maid wailed. But this time, Lan You Nian did not give any signs, only unfeelingly watched Zhang Lin's paddle slamming down one at a time until the maid took her last breath.

All the maids and family retainers kneeling on the ground helplessly watched a living maid beat to death just like this. This scene let all the people feel this third young miss's cruelty and decisiveness. Thinking back to their own performance, they all buried their heads, afraid that the next one would be them.

"Zhang Lin, there isn't enough strength in your hands. It took too long," Lan You Nan watched the guards drag the corpse of the maid out and said to Zhang Lin.

"This subordinate is at fault. Next time, this subordinate will certainly be faster!" Zhang Lin's words made the people kneeling on the ground tremble even more. Next time? Who will it be next time? Will it be one of them?

"Master, third young miss, this slave will confess, this slave will confess all of it!" A maid immediately said. She was really afraid that the next one will be her. The death of that maid still played in front of her eyes. She didn't want to die! "It was ordered by An yiniang. The simple congee made for young miss was last years rice dustings. The vegetables were made from the thrown away greens that grew worms. These were all ordered by An yiniang!"

With the first person confessing, one after the other followed; they all started to confess. As Lan You Nian expected, this was indeed An yiniang's doing. However, after not having seen this An yiniang after for so many years, how can she become so eager? After all, in the predecessor's memory, this An yiniang could really endure. She even had quite the means. But now, tsk tsk, it was really disappointing.

In reality, Lan You Nian didn't know that An yiniang was so eager was because she was frightened by Lan You Nian's resurrection. Now Lan You Nian had the protection of Lan Jian Jun. Lan Mo Xian also had the ability to protect Lan You Nian. An yiniang's three children, however, have become the Lan You Nian of the past. They did not receive any of Lan Jian Jun's attention, although they have never received any attention. So An yiniang was afraid, so afraid that her efforts of so many years were wasted. Doing such things due to fear was quite idiotic.

Reborn Spoiled Ming WangFei (UNEDITED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن