"I believe Stark let me out of the tower today only as a favor to you." Loki's voice was hesitant, he hadn't really wanted to answer that question.

"Best enjoy your freedom then," you smiled at him. "Anything you want to do while you're out on the town?"

"This is your evening, witchling," he reminded you with exasperation in his tone.

"That doesn't mean you can't enjoy it too...though I still have no idea what Tony picked for us to do..." you added too innocently.

"Well, we have arrived at our first destination for the evening, so you will find out," he replied with a grin, pulling into a parking spot at a restaurant you'd never been to. It looked really fancy, though. Before you could think about opening your own car door, Loki was out of the car and halfway to your side of the car. He opened the door and offered you a hand to help you out. You didn't need the help, but you took his cold hand anyway. He led you with your hand on his arm into the restaurant.

It was as super fancy as you had thought. It was owned by a super famous celebrity chef too. Tony didn't skimp on your 'entertainment' it seemed. You shouldn't have expected that he would. You did feel way too uncivilized to be here. This place was fancy and you were just a high school student who wore baggy ill fitting clothes 99% of the time.

"Stand tall, love. There's no need to feel intimidated at this place. This is supposed to be fun remember?" Loki said kindly. Part of your brain did ask where the word 'love' had come from, but it was quickly squashed by the part that was focusing on looking like you belonged here. "Besides, you are here with a prince," Loki added with a chuckle. That got a laugh out of you and you could finally relax. As he spoke to the hostess about the reservations, you wondered briefly who had prepped him on how Midgardian restaurants worked. It was impressive that he managed so flawlessly.

The two of you were led a table that was actually in the kitchen. Your eyes lit up in excitement at being able to watch these professional chefs cook. Loki pulled out your chair for you and you wondered briefly if this was courtesy on Asgard too, or if he knew the gesture was a romantic on on Midgard. You didn't question it right that moment, though. It would be difficult to find out the answer anyway.

You found out that Tony had placed your orders as well as making the reservations, so you could just enjoy talking with Loki and watching the chefs cook. These were some of the best chefs in the city to have gotten positions here and it showed in their work. The food was beyond delicious and the very best thing you could ever remember eating.

You and Loki spent the entire dinner discussing books you'd both read including the Asgardian fairy tales he'd lent you and the basics of Asgardian magic. You both behaved and didn't actually do any magic in public, but it was still interesting to discuss the fundamentals.

You favorite part of dinner was watching Loki's expression when the chef brought dessert to the table. You had learned that desserts of almost any variety were one of Loki's weaknesses and the chocolate monstrosity in front of you definitely counted. He looked at it with child-like glee and you couldn't help admiring how adorable he looked.

"So where's our next stop?" you asked him when the dessert was nearly gone. He had said that this was only the first stop of the evening. He smiled.

"It is a surprise, witchling," he answered. Again. You sighed, but let him get away with his fun. It was his night out too.

Before you left the restaurant, you finally decided that you had to say something. It wasn't fair to Loki if you didn't. "I'll help you kick Tony's ass later for this if you'd like," you started. You weren't sure that was the right way to go about this conversation, but keeping it light and fun seemed like a good idea.

Loki and the WitchlingWhere stories live. Discover now