A dramatic gasp over the receiver. "Doing "really great"?? My little darling not only feeling good but really great?!" A squeal, and then in an even more excited tone then ever. "So I assume this really great mood is about tonight?"

Paige frowned as she resumed folding laundry. "Tonight?"

A long pause. "Please tell me you didn't forget."


"Paige!" Her tone had now turned to scolding. "How could you forget? Tonight is the six month anniversary of your and Liam's first date!"

Paige's frown deepened. "What? No it's not, we've only been seriously dating for around half that time."

Beth sighed, exasperated. "Yeah, seriously dating! I'm talking about your first talk at the coffee shop!"

Paige scoffed. "That doesn't count as a date."

"Oh it so does. I can't believe you didn't realize it was today!"

Paige tossed a folded tank top onto her growing pile of clothes as she replied. "I don't know what you're getting so worked up about, it's really not that big of a deal."

Beth's voice took on a slightly sing-song tone to it that clearly indicated she knew something Paige didn't. "Well apparently someone thinks it is!"

Paige froze. "What? Did Liam say something?"

"Oh, now it's a big deal?"

"Beth!" Paige pleaded.

Her friend gave in. "Okay, okay, he may have mentioned that since it was your six month anniversary he may have something special planned tonight."

Paige's heart skipped. "He mentioned something about going out tonight, but he sounded so casual..."

Beth giggled. "Well from the way he was talking it's anything but casual! I shall be assisting you in getting ready tonight by the way."

Paige rolled her eyes, but couldn't help smiling. "I can get ready on my own you know."

"Yes, yes, darling, I know. But humor me! My helping you is more for my benefit anyway, lets me be a part of my ship."

Paige groaned. "I've told you not to use fangirl slang when referring to Liam and I!"

Beth laughed. "Too bad! I shipped you guys so hard from day one, and now it's your six month anniversary! Maybe I should start a matchmaking business..."

Paige smiled. "Settle down there. Fine, Liam said he'd pick me up around five-thirty, so probably drop by around...four?"

Beth squealed in delight. "You got it! I'll see you then, bye, sweetie!"

* * *

Paige shifted in the passenger seat, excited and a little nervous about the night ahead.

Liam glanced over at her, and smiled at her slightly lined forehead. "Worried about something?"

She turned her attention to him quickly, and smiled. "Oh, not really. Just wondering where we're going."

"Well, you see, Paige, the whole point of a surprise, is to not tell."

 She shook her head slightly, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "You and your surprises."

He glanced over again, grinning. "I thought you liked my surprises."

She shrugged. "I don't mind surprises, good ones at least." She added, her eyebrows lowering as painful memories began to surface.

He moved one hand off the steering wheel and placed it over hers. "Hey, tonight's about making good memories."

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