Chapter 4: Boulder Chase

Start from the beginning

"Did you lost it?!" Nate blushed as he covers his eyes to avoid peeking Libby's red panties with white polka-dots.

"That boulder took my pants and now I'm left in my underwear! Oh, dear, oh, dear!" she blushed as she hides her face.

"You don't need to be ashamed." said a unknown voice.

"Libby, look up there." Nate pointed to a hole as the figure reveals to be a woman named Reyna Cross, the playable character of her game, she jumps into a platform, climbs down by using a rope and lands next to the two teens.  

  "Who are you?" said Nate and Libby.

"The name is Reyna Cross, explorer, archaeologist and playable character." Reyna introduced herself as she speaks boldly. "I explore every place to find treasures, I collect rubies, I fight enemies, I whip every enemy with my whip and I avoid every dangerous trap in my path!"

"You are that character." Nate continued.

"I am that character, what are you two doing in my game?" Reyna explained.

"My friend Libby and I set up the Xbox One to play your game, but, we got transported and ended up in this strange universe."

"Our bodies became green, we saw some stuff in the universe and all of a sudden, a boulder appeared and took my pants away." They said simultaneously.

"Kids, one at a time, please?! When I was avoiding the traps, I ended up losing my pants too!" Reyna showed the teens her pair of khaki pants.

"You did?" Libby asked.

The explorer began remembering in a flashback, Reyna tried to avoid the traps from being caught as it took her pants off countless times, she lost it in every place, being stuck in a branch on a tree in a local forest, being left in a quicksand, accidentally leaving it stuck in a trap door and much more of these traps as she ended up being left in her blue underwear. "It was a awkward moment for me, I was left in my underwear every time." she said as the flashback ends.

"Ah, Reyna, I know it was a awkward moment for you." said Libby as she looks at her panties. "Do you know where my pants are?"

"I got this." Reyna pulled out Libby's lost pants as she wiped the dust from it. "There you go, your jeans."

  "Oh, thank you!" she said as she puts her pants on. "Ah, I feel good in pants again."

"We didn't introduced ourselves, the name is Nathan Bellinger, or Nate and this is my best friend Elizabeth Burton, or Libby, we are from Portland, Oregon." Nate introduced himself.

"Let's finish this level and get out of here." Reyna pushes a stone brick in the wall, which opens up revealing a passage as she goes through it.  

  "Libby, come on!" Nate followed her as well as Libby who also follows them, the door closes itself as Cypress watches through the hole of the passage, evilly.

In the same passage, it was so dark as Reyna grabs a torch, guiding her two friends Nate and Libby as they are looking for a way out.

"I understand you guys are from Oregon, you came to the Xbox Universe when the controllers flashed you." she said.

"We are, Reyna, This universe has some stuff, especially games." Nate explained.

"Who's the ruler number one?" Libby asked.

"In this universe, they have a ruler, they call her Cypress." Reyna told her. "When the Xbox consoles were released, the universe was a peaceful place for every character in the games, as well the indie ones, the most important weapons are the X Spheres, spherical devices for every visitor who comes to the universe, when the universe was threatened by dark beings, one of them is Cypress, she ruled the universe with her iron fists along with her minions, the Cyprenchmen, and that's why she became the most evil empress of the universe.

"She might be benevolent." said Libby as Nate and Reyna stared at her. "I mean Malevolent, sorry."

"So." began Reyna. "After we finish this level, we'll find a shortcut to the indie game Blocks That Matter."

"Blocks That Matter?" Nate explained.

"Yes, Blocks That Matter." replied Reyna. "Indie games are created without the financial support of a publisher, others are funded by a publisher and are considered independent."

  "Reyna, I didn't played a Indie game when I was a kid." said Libby as she and her friends notice the Exit.  

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