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Jawn swung his legs lightly and braided his hair as Otto paced around the bed.

"Yeah, Geoff. We'll meet you at yours. We can just chill and watch a movie or something.. Yeah.. Okay.. See ya." Otto hung up and smiled at Jawn. "We're not going."

"But I wanna watch a movie." Jawn frowned.

"No, you dingbat, we're going to leave them alone and hopefully they do some gay shit." Both boys smirked.


"So,, when are the other two Gaylords gonna be here?" Awsten asked as he flopped onto Geoff's couch, stretching his legs out on the shiny black leather.

"Not sure. They said they'd be here by now." The brunette shrugged. "D'you wanna drink anything?"

"I don't mind." Geoff nodded and walked to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and pulled out two beer bottles. He kicked the door closed and walked back into the living room.

"Here you go, monsieur." Geoff mock-bowed and handed a bottle to Awsten. Awsten laughed. Geoff uncapped his bottle with ease and took a swig.

"Hey, Geoff.." The blue eyed boy laughed as he looked at a struggling Awsten.

"Seems like I keep doing things for ya, doesn't it?" He chuckled and handed him back an open bottle. Awsten blushed and looked down.


"LETS HOE, OPPS, NOT JOEEEEE-" Awsten screeched obnoxiously, arms flailing around his body and slamming onto random pieces of furniture. Geoff stood frozen in the doorway, another two beers in his hand.

"Yeah.. no." Geoff placed the beers on the floor and walked over to Awsten. He grabbed his arms and held them together. "Aws, you're really drunk. I'm going to take you to my room to sleep, okay?"

"No." Awsten frowned, trying to free his arms away. "Wanna stay here and party."

"It isn't much of a party as it is just you being drunk." Geoff laughed and hauled Awsten up onto his shoulders. He kicked the door open and walked down the corridor, into his room. He placed Awsten on the bed, and moved the blanket so that it fully covered the smaller boy. He pulled the curtains to a close and sat on the edge of the bed beside Awsten.

"You just need to sleep, Awsie. You'll be fine. You may have a bit of a headache tomorrow but it'll be okay. I'll look after you." Geoff whispered and ran his hands through Awsten's hair.

"S-sing me to sleep?"

"Why?" Geoff questioned.

"I don' know, I just feel like you've got a real' pretty voice." Awsten slurred and smiled up at Geoff. Geoff sighed.

"Only because you're drunk and won't remember." The brunette muttered and grabbed an acoustic off the wall. He resumed his position on the edge of the bed and tuned the guitar. He strummed an intro.

"Light us up until we pop,
i wanna burn bright till we're not.
Let's keep each other safe from the world.
I'll be your optimistic black hole,
full of love I can't control,
let's keep each other safe from the world.
From the world.

Happy birthday, Merry Christmas,
to the one I call my mister,
I'm leaving you love notes in the kitchen,
say it all.
I know you said to mind my business,
but cupid sent me on a mission,
It's got me sitting, wishing, waiting for your call.

Let's be lucky people, you and me."

Geoff stopped strumming and took a breath. Awsten's eyes were closed and his breathing was level; He was asleep. Geoff placed the guitar back on its holder and crouched beside the bed.

"Sleep well." He whispered and placed a kiss on Awsten's forehead. He then turned the light off and left the room.

However Awsten wasn't nearly as drunk as Geoff thought. He wasn't sleeping neither.

He heard the whole thing.

He felt the whole thing.

He wanted to cry.

But he wanted to kiss Geoff more than that.




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