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Both boys were sat at opposite ends of a table in a small booth in the corner of the restaurant. Jawn kept looking over Awsten's shoulder at the front door, awaiting the arrival of Otto and Geoff.

"Jawn what the fuck are you looking at?" Awsten laughed as he waved his palm infront of Jawn's face to gain his attention.

"Nothing, nothing." Jawn muttered as he kept staring over the other boys shoulder. The door opened and he nodded his head lightly at his boyfriend and friend. Otto made his way to Jawn, dragging Geoff along with him.

Geoff looked at his surroundings, confused as to where Otto was leading them.

"You're hurting my hand." Geoff whined and looked at the curly haired boy.

"Don't be such a wuss." Otto sighed.

"You know I have sensitive hands, Otto! i-" Geoff blushed and stopped talking as he noticed Awsten and Jawn sat at the table the shorter boy had led them to. "Um, h-hey.."

Awsten smiled and scooted over, allowing Geoff to sit beside him. Otto grabbed Jawn's hand and pulled him up off the seat.

"We need to go to the toilet." Otto announced as he dragged Jawn with him to the toilets.

"Do couples do that? Go pee together?" Awsten asked, slight concern lacing his voice. Geoff chuckled and shook his head.


"Okay, what did you find out." Otto asked as he paced the tiles in the restaurant bathroom.

"Awsten has a thing for Geoff. He told me. In detail." Jawn smiled.

"Lucky." Otto huffed. "I know Geoff has a thing for Awsten but he wouldn't admit it." Jawn shrugged. "You always get the better one." Otto frowned as his boyfriend laughed.

"Its okay otts. At least they like each other."

"God, that sounds so middle school."

"Its the only way to say it." Jawn laughed and grabbed Otto hand. "Lets go back." He dragged the short boy back to the table and sat back opposite Awsten.

"What happened while we were gone?" Jawn questioned and took a sip of his coffee.

"We discussed whether yall fucked in the bathroom." The tall brunette shrugged. Otto sputtered and shot them both a glare.

"Ah, yes. It was amazi-" Otto slapped Jawn in the arm to shut him up.

"We didn't fuck for God's sake." He rolled his eyes and stood up. "Im leaving." He stormed out of the front door and sat on the bench outside.

"What..the..fuck??" Awsten muttered as he stared at the front door.

"I'll go check on him." Geoff said but Jawn stood up before him.

"Don't worry, I'll go. How about you discuss what me and Awsten discussed before we came here?" Jawn suggested and quickly ran outside

"Um..what did you discuss?" Geoff scratched his head and smiled sheepishly at Awsten. Awsten blushed and kept his eyes glued to Geoff's, avoiding letting them wander to the lip that Geoff was biting.

"I- well- nothing." Awsten stuttered out, hiding his blush in his sleeves.

"Look who's blushing now!" Geoff laughed as he looked at the cute boy beside him. "But seriously, what? It can't have been nothing."

"It.." Awsten sighed. "We might have been discussing the feelings I've had for..someone.."

Geoff's heart dropped lightly. He knew it wasn't him. Nobody would like an idiot like him. But before knowing Awsten liked someone it was always easy for him to let it slide.

"Oh. Do they know who they are?" Geoff attempted to cover up his disappointment.

"No. At least I don't think so." Awsten bit his lip and stared at the table.

"At least give me a clue."

"Their name starts with a G."

"Gerard way?"

"No!" Awsten laughed and looked back at Geoff. His cheeks tainted a light rose colour.

"Who is it then?"

"They may be sitting with me right now.."

"Who el-- oh." Geoff blushed and looked at Awsten. "Really?"



A/N: -chaseatlantic- made a deal with me to publish another chapter so I did. Please go check out their account and read their fics because they're so fucking good and also because they're such a sweetheart kthx.

xo, g ✧ GawstenWhere stories live. Discover now