Chapter 28

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I'm gonna be posting the last chapter ever (30) on Sunday. I can't believe it's almost over. *sob* Prepare your tissues for this chapter. 

"Ben!" Ian's voice hissed at me. I looked up, my face bleeding and my hands tied behind my back. My wrists were aching and I probably looked malnourished after barely being fed for 2 days. He had disabled the cameras for about 10 minutes. 

"Yeah?" My voice was quiet, shaky and croaky. I had given up at quipping at Cain. Tina, I mean. Once I had exposed her identity, she had laughed. 

"So, the little spy finally figured it out." Her voice had been unscrupulous, uncaring. 

"Why, Tina. Why." It was less of a question than it was a plead. Why was she on the side of evil now? Why did she decide to hurt me? 

"Why, Ben?" I had flinched when she said my name. Her face had hardened. "Because... Maybe I was tired of busting animal smugglers not even in our country! Maybe I got tired of watching a little kid save the day!" 

Her face had been furious, and she tore off the mask. Tina Cuevo, once the spy that a twelve year old Fleming looked up to, had started cackling. She looked insane. 

"None of that matters now.... My girlfriend and I are going to run the world."


"You've met her. Elizabeth?" Tina smirked at my face, her grotesque scar warping her face. Elizabeth Pasternak. Ian. Tina. Murray. So many people involved that I didn't know about. Would Erica be mad at me? Suppose this didn't work. No. I couldn't think like that. Erica and I were going to stay together. We could get married and have kids. Kids. I smiled to myself. I would want to name them after my friends that I had lost. 

"Ben? Ben!" Ian's voice drew me out of my flashback and thoughts.

"Yeah, Ian?"

He looked at me and smiled faintly. I would have smiled back, but I didn't have the energy. 

"I have the pill."

He handed me a small, round, white pill. You might have overlooked it. It was just a sugar lump that would appear to give me disastrous effects. He then handed me a coating to put on the pill. Dousing the pill with it would make my mouth foam up and stop my pulse. Ian glazed the drug over the sugar pill. He loosened my hands and I rubbed my wrists. 

"Don't forget to tell Erica. Tell her that I will see her soon and that I love her." We had decided to meet at the club where I had retrieved her at the beginning of our journey. Ian smiled and hugged me. I nearly screamed from the pain of my barely healed scars. He winced.


"Good-bye, Ian."

"Bye, Ben" 

Ian left me and I was truly alone with my thoughts for the first time in a few days. My heart pounded. I was going to escape. I was going to have a life with Erica. Releasing the ropes from my hands, I bent down to untie my feet. Groaning, I stretched my back. Once my feet were loose, I stood up and almost immediately stumbled. There was no blood flow to my legs after 2 days, and I could barely feel them. I looked up at the security camera that had a red light blinking up in the corner. Flipping it the bird, I put the pill in my mouth. 

"I love you, Erica." I said, my eyes filled with hope. 

Switch to 3rd person POV

Ben swallowed the pill. He mock screamed, and the guards rushed in. His eyes rolled back into his head, exposing the whites. Foam fell from his mouth, and a guard shouted. He made one final twitch, and went still, his chest unmoving. The spy... was dead...

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