Chapter 16

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This is gonna be a filler/fluff chapter. Thanks for reading! I didn't draw the thing above, I wish I knew who did!

"C'mon, man, you gotta admit that was a great prank." Mike cuffed my shoulder, and I rolled my eyes. 

"Yeah, yeah, it was a great prank..." I sarcastically agreed. It was a great prank, one that I... kinda... maybe hoped would come true in the future? Oh my god... I just realized that I would be related to Alexander and Cyrus. Erica walked in behind me, whipping a notepad out of nowhere. I kissed her forehead and sat down on the right side of the conference table, making faces at Mike. He tried to convince me that my name was Bernard and that I was a 52 year old drug dealer. Erica droned on a bit about stuff, and I have to admit, I wasn't really paying attention. 

"We have to welcome back...Ben." Her voice sharply cut through my thoughts, and the surrounding agents in the conference room clapped politely. The meeting quickly ended, and I went outside with Erica. That's when the problems began. A young man with red hair came up behind her and snaked his arms around her waist. Erica looked at him in surprise before judo-flipping him over her shoulder. She pressed her knife to his throat and growled. The kid smiled and winked while saying something that he obviously thought was oh so charming. I was the one growling and I stalked over. His attention turned to me. 

"Ah, the prodigal spy returns! Piss off, she's mine now. You're the one who left her for nine months." He gestured to Erica. I snarled, putting my hand on the wall. This guy was about my age, and was extremely wimpy. He obviously couldn't take me in a fight, and cowered beneath my gaze. 

"First of all, her name is Erica, and she isn't an object for you to play with." I hissed at him, and he recoiled even more. 

"Second of all, it wasn't my choice, and I love her more that you ever will." I drew Erica closer to me. She was smirking with her eyebrow raised, and we kissed. The kid leapt away. 

"I need to tell you something." Erica said, her brow crinkling. 

"I love you too." 


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