Chapter 13

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Zach's POV:
Zach was still at Jack's as suddenly his mom called him:
Mom: Zach! Where are you?
Zach: Oh I'm so sorry , I forgot to tell    you...I'm still with Jack:) I'm fine don't worry.

Mom: Thank God. Could you please come home I have to tell you sth.
Zach: Ehm yes. I'll be home in 20 minutes. Love you .
Mom: Love you too .
* The call ended and Zach got worried about what his mom wanna tell him*
Zach: Jacky?
Jack:  Yes?
Zach: Can you drive me back home? My mom wanna tell me sth..
Jack: Yes,  of course . Let's go.
Zach: Thank you<3
Jack: No problem:)
*Jack grabbed his hand and went to his car*
Jack: So what do you think your mom is going to tell you?
Zach: I have no idea . I hope it won't be sth bad.. Since my parents got divorced she wasn't really happy anymore..
Jack: Your parents got divorced? I'm sorry I didn't know that ..
Zach: It's okay. It's been five years since then. My dad cheated on mom with her best friend and she found out, I think it was the to end their marriage.. She was so sad as she found out but she tried to be strong for my siblings and me . What about your parents?
Jack: My dad died when I was two years old but my mom remarried a very nice man and since then she's happy with her life.
Zach: Oh I'm sorry that you lost your dad but I'm glad that you're mom is happy again:)
Jack: Yes me too. So we're at your house now , you can call me whenever you want to okay?  Good luck with your mom ❤️I love you.
Zach: Same for you. Thank you and I love you too.
*Zach leaned towards Jack, kissed him quickly and got out of the car. His heart beat so fast because he was so nervous what his mom will tell him. He slowly went to the front door and went inside the house.*
Zach: Mooommmm? I'm home.
Mom: Hey Honey , I'm at the kitchen!
Zach: Okay I'm coming .
           So what do you wanna tell me?
Mom: Well Ehm...
Zach: Why are Ryan and Reese not here?
Mom: They already know it . Okay so ehm you know that I love you no matter what happens?
Zach: Yes, I Love you too .
Mom: Are you hungry?
Zach: Kinda but that can wait .
Mom: Noo I make to sth to eat .
*While she did that Zach noticed how thin his mom got in the last few months..*
Zach: Mom are you okay ?
Mom: Yes I am , why?
*But Zach didn't believe her ,he knew that she was lying! His mom finished making him sth to eat and gave him the plate*
Mom: Well I was lying while I said that I'm okay..
Zach: Mom what's wrong ..?
Mom: A few months ago I couldn't breathe as good as usual so I decided to go to a doctor and he investigated me...
Zach: Oh and what did he find the reason why you can not breathe as good as you should ?
Mom: At first not, he gave me some medicine. But it didn't help so I went back and this time he did a X-ray and found the reason.
Zach: Mom...what did he find out?
Mom: Zach...I have cancer and it isn't curable..

Well... I don't know what to write so I hope that you enjoyed the chapter and I'm sorry if someone think that It's bad..<3

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