Chapter 12

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Jack's POV:
Jack: Omg Gabbie what are you doing here ?
*why is she here*
Gabbie: I miss you ...
Jack: I'm so sorry that I broke up with you but I had a reason to .
Gabbie: And what is it ?
*I think I should tell her about I should show her*
Jack: Zaaaaccchhhh!
Zach: Yes?
Jack: Could you come over to me please ?
Zach: Ehm yes of course
Gabbie: What's going on ?
*Zach just arrived and without what Jack's doing he kissed Zach*
Gabbie: Oh wow, you're gay !? Now I understand everything..
Jack: huh?
Gabbie: You were never very interested in me or girls at all. At school you always starred at boys when they passed you. I always thought that you just don't like them but now everything makes sense
Jack: Oh Gabbie I'm so sorry...I realized it for the first time when I met Zach. Do you hate me now ?
Gabbie: Of course I don't , how could I ...yes I'm sad that it's over but you deserve to be happy and if you happy with Zach than that's amazing :)
Jack: Thank you so much, I'm sure Zach's the one who makes me completely happy but please don't think that it was a mistake we were a couple okay ?
Gabbie: Okay oh and Zach ?
Zach: Yes?
Gabbie: Please don't hurt him okay ? He's a great boy and deserves the best .
Zach: I won't, I promise. I really love Jack.. I don't know how it's possible after just a short time that I know Jack but I do !
Gabbie: That's great. What you're feeling is true love and it doesn't matter how long you know the person. So I'll go home now . I wish you both the best , good luck.
*Gabbie hugged both of them and left*
Zach: Wow.. that was ... well Ehm interesting.
Jack: Yep it was but I'm happy that she doesn't hate me now !
Zach: Yes That's cool. She seems very nice.
Jack: Yes she is but I was a bad boyfriend...
Zach: Trust me , you're a great boyfriend *grinned*
Jack: Aww that's so cute. :)) How did you find out that you're gay ?
Zach: It was in 6th grade while an excursion with my class.. My best friend and me sat beside each other at the bus , I watched at him while the drive and noticed that I found him attractive... well it isn't  very spectacularly but that's how I found out.
Jack: Okay thanks that you told me that . But why did you have a girlfriend as we met at the party ?
Zach: Nobody, except my mom, knew that I'm gay because I was to shy to tell anyone and too scared about their reactions when they would find out. My Ex was nice so I decided to go on a date with her after it she wanted more than a date so I decided to try it with her as my girlfriend but it was a mistake .
Jack: Oh okay . Glad that you weren't too shy to tell me :)
Zach: Samee<3
Jack: Oh Zach?
Zach: Yes ?
Jack: I love you too <3

Gabbie's POV:
*Why does Jack love this stupid boy called Zach? I'm so much better than him . Jack will regret that he broke up with me...Maybe sth bad will happen to Zach, I have to start planning now

Soo what do you think Gabbie is planning ?
Omg we hit the 400 reads that's crazyy❤️thank you all so much <3
Do you have any wishes what should happen in this story if you have let me know ❤️ ily all

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