Chapter 8

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Zach's POV
He still couldn't believe that Jack asked him for a date but he did and in a few minutes Jack would arrive to pick him up . Zach was soo nervous , he didn't know where they'll go..He hoped that Jack won't go to the cinema with him cuz he don't really like them, no idea why.

Jack's POV
He had to hurry up to arrive at Zach's on time...Jack didn't sleep well last night cuz he was so nervous because of the date with Zach.  He planed to go to a very good restaurant with Zach and after that he want to show Zach his favorite place. *I hope Zach will like it cuz he means a lot to me and I don't want him to be disappointed...*
Jack ran to his car and drove to Zach

Zach's POV
He saw Jack's Car arrived at his house and saw him got out of the car:)
*Omg I'm soooo nervous, I hope I won't to anything wrong ...*
*doorbell rang*
Zach went to the Door and opened it
Zach : Heyyy Jack *grinned*
Jack : Heyy cutie , you're ready ?
Zach : *aww he called me cutie* Yes I am let's goo:)
Jack : Okayy Good

Jack's POV
*Wow he looks so good 😍, I just need to see his face and I'm wish less happy !*
*in the car *
Zach: Jaacckkk
Jack: *giggled* Yes Zach?
Zach: where are we going?
Jack: that's a surprise 😇
Zach: oh c'moonn
Jack: I won't tell you where we're going haha
Zach: Okay're looking so good
Jack: Aww thanks *omg how cute is he pls*
While their drive to the restaurant Jack and Zach spoke a lot and Jack enjoyed it so much spent some time with Zach and he knew that he likes Zach more than just a friend , even when he can't believe it, but that's the truth 😊

Happy new year everyone 🎉🎉I hope it'll be a great year for you ❤️

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