Cousin Party

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I woke up with beautiful smelts around my nose. My mom was making something tasteful again. That was not special for Steve. It was everyday my mom makes beautiful things. Eh from who has I that talent of cooking you think?

I wanted to run downstairs but i forgot i had a broken leg. With a painfull face i stood up and jumped with one leg. I hearded laud voices when I came downstairs.

"Ah the sleeper is coming." Said Steve with a cup coffee in the kitchen. Everyone was awake and it made me pissed to be the'sleeper of the family.' I jumped to come to the kitchen and pushed Les away to take a chair. For the ones who thought I was rude, uhm no it was my chair so haha.

"Good morning sleeper." Said Reggie to kidding me.

"Please don't mess my morning with it. I don't need to go to school so keep it calm." I said and bite on a bread.

"Alright Mis Kray, Do you want something else?" Reggie take a sup of his coffee.

"Hmm let me think?" I did like i was thinking. But the bell didn't let me thinking further. "I'm looking." Said Les and opened the door. There came Teddy and Albie together in.

"And so i did it and wait did i tell you... " Said Teddy but Albie came in his word "Yes Teddy you tell me everything." I saw on his face that Teddy talked to much. Albie went after me and took a deep breathe. I decided to let everyone laugh with my new joke i planned.

"Teddy here is some tea for you." I said while i poured tea.

"No thanks since everyone's thinking i'm a tree, huge thanks to you." I giggled a bit. Yeah maybe I was going to far but what can i say, not everyday you can see someone with green hair.

"Come on Teddy i just poured for you please." I said with a lovely voice.

"Just tea, okey?" He asked and i swinged my head. He took a sup of it and said "Hmm what kind of tea is it?" and was about to drink one more but than i said "Green tea." And Teddy coughted hard. We all laughed at him. Kidding with Teddy made my day always complete. We laughed so much that we didn't heard the phone. Immediately i opened the phone.

"Hello?" I asked to know who i spoke to.

"Flora it's me, Eresta." I screamed a bit and everyone looked at me.

"Eresta! How are you?" I said excited. Erasta was my mothers sister so my aunt. She lived in Paris with five children, two daughters and three sons.

"Fine sweetie but i think you'll be more fine if i say we'll come to England." Now i screamed lauder than the one before and everyone was thinking i'am crazy.

"We gonna have a cousin party." I said to everyone in kitchen.


3 weeks later

I runned fastly to my house. My cousins and aunt will come today so we would give a little party. Maybe my reason to run was school to. My was leg better so i must go to school. Ah sometimes was my broken leg better. And than my mom said I don't know what I want. Maybe she was right to. But of you hear that you must write the history of math, than i'ld already knew what i want.

My stopid brain forgot my homework of math and i made my homework in school. Elizabeth saw that i made it and said it to mrs. Lewis. So she gave me the punishment of my life.

i really would cursing about it but my cousins would coming today. I didn't want to waste this moment.

When I came in home I shouted "I'm here."

"Flora?" I heard my moms voice from the kitchen. "Why are you not on school?"

"Probably the math teacher wiped her out of the class." Ronnie said when I came in the kitchen.

"Really funny. They should give me the Oscar for the best student of the year."

"Yeah if we are counting all your math marks than we can give one." Came Teddy from upstairs. I rolloed my eyes over. I'ld say more but Teddy was right and it makes me wanna hit him.

"So what's done?" I asked to mom like I never heard Teddy.

"Cookies are done, now I gonna make cake."

"Don't worry mom. I'll help you. We don't need enough marks to make a cake." I said loud up that Teddy can hear. But he just rolled his eyes over.

I focused on my cake and pikked flor to begin. While I making it I was thinking of my punishment of school. It was impossible to make it on my own. And I don't have so much time. Just 2 days! I must be fast.

I looked around to choose my saviour. Ronnie, who I dissmisses out house for smoking his sigarette, was not the ideal choose to doing such things. Leslie was not here. Probably he was sleeping and I wouldn't talk to Teddy for a while. That was his punishment of me. I know it's not so hard. But for Teddy was that a hell. He coildn't never shut his mouth. Than Steve came in house and I forgot the punishment. Because for Steve I had a suprise.

"Hey walking handsomeness. Where have you been?" I said.

"What have you missed me?" He tasted the cake cream with his finger.

"No I just have a surprise for you at this evening. So don't walk away." I talked mysteriously.

"Now I'm curious." He took a seet. "What's that suprise?"

"Suprise is suprise." I said to make him more curiouser. And I think he was not the only one who was curious. Because Teddy came next to me.

"Flora? Suprise?" He was about to taste the cream but I hitted his hand. I was still angry on him.

"Suprise Teddy suprise." I lokked with my angry face to understand him I'm not talking to him anymore.

Everything was done in the evening. Leslie came when everything was done. Idiot he sleeped whole the day to not helping. Why are my friends so lazy? Teddy and Lesie sat in front of me. I was angry both of them. They wanted to eat the cookies but my mom hitted their hands. Well done mom.

All my thoughts was gone when the bell rinkled. My cousins were here. I runned fastly to the door and opened. First of all Eresta and her two daughters, Nessa and Elsa went in. I cuddled Eresta.

"Welcome. i missed you." I said from my heart.

"Ah i missed you to." She said back. And than i cuddled Nessa. She was 14 years and have a dream to be a mode desinger. Elsa was ony 4. You think she is littlw but is braver than you know. Than the Robin came in. He was the same age of Nessa but he was verry interested in boxing. He thinks he's the strongest of all the rest.

Then Lucas and Thomas came in with bags. Lucas was the smartest in math and Thomas writed poetrys. They were just 1 age between them but they were so different at their characters.

When they came in and everyone said welcome Teddy and Leslie started to eat like it was their last cookies. It was so funny to see them so. And with my cousins was it more funnier.

But the funniest part must come. I went to the kitchen to pour some tea. Steve came after me. "We're in the evening cousin."

"Yes I know."

"So were is the suprise?" He asked.

I looked to the clock. "Is walking or probably running to here."

"It's a walking suprise. That's interesting." He looked so cute when he's interested.

"Yes. She'll be verry happy to see you but I can't talk the same for you." I gave him a little tip.

"Flora it's a she. So tell me which girl I not want to see." He laughed a bit than he stopped and looked with shooked eyes. "Don't dare to invite Stephanie here when I'm here."

Leslie and Teddy wasn't the only one who don't liked Stephanie. I don't know the reason why. He dated out all the girls in the town but not with Stephanie even if she is in love with hi.. That's such a waste. I just helped Stephanie a littlebit.

The bell rinkled. I looked with a sadful acting face. "Sorry to late." I drank a sip of my tea.

"Flora you're kidding me?"

"Welcome to the party cousin." I squeezed his nose and went to the tv room. I just sat in a couch and a person who named Teddy sat next to me. "The suprise is Stephanie?" I rolled my eyes over, took a cupcake and putted it in his mouth.

Legend: The Swinging 60sUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum