6. "Goddamn it."

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A\N: Omg guys we hit 1K!! Thank u so much loves:) Also, from now on chapters are going to be longer and with much more content! Lemme k if you guys are okay with that!

I banged my head against the wall. I'd absolutely no idea what to wear to Shabnam's party. Back in my normal high school, we would wear simple dresses. But I wasn't sure if simple and sweet was the idea here.

I decided to go with a casual look. I wore a black tank top with a pair of denim shorts and a red flannel. I left my hair like it was and left my face to a natural look.

Just then, someone knocked on my door. I opened the door to see Marcus. And boy did he look handsome.

He'd looked absolutely breathtaking in his denim jacket and his simple black sweater with jeans. Damn.

"Wow someone looks handsome." I said, smirking. He blushed a little. "Wow someone looks beautiful. But then again you always were. Or wait did I just screw up that pickup line..goddamn it."

I laughed as he came in. "Nice posters." Marcus remarked as he took in all of my favorite bands and my pictures of my high school friends. "Haha yeah."

"Who's this?" Marcus asked, pointing to a picture of me with a boy.

"My ex- boyfriend."


"What happened? He was douchebag jock. He cheated on me with my best friend." Marcus looked stunned. "Fucking fascists. Boys these days honestly."

I laughed. "You're a boy too." Marcus gave me a serious look. "Yeah, well I'm not like other boys. Or so I think. At least I try not to be."

"Yeah I know you're different. Trust me Marcus, you've something that this place is supposed to nurture."

Marcus laughed. I gave him a confused look. "Well a teacher said the exact same thing to me the other day." I nodded. "Well it's true. Should we head to the party? I'm so nervous goddamn it."

Marcus shot me a confused look. "Well why? Is this your first ever party? Cause trust me it's going to be an amazing experience."

I sighed as I sat down in my bed. "There's things you don't know about me Marcus. Things that give people the creeps. Things that...just don't make sense. And they haunt me."

Marcus slowly sat down beside me. He took my hands in his. I looked at him, a little stunned. "Look Cams, everyone has a past and a story to tell. Mine is a shitty one too. Do you want talk about it? Don't hesitate to tell me what's on your mind. I'm listening."

I took a deep breath. "I went to a high school party two months ago and returned home to find my parents...well ..um dead. A investigation was launched but...they gave up. No clues. Just blood. I-I blamed myself for it for ages, thinking only if I hadn't gone to the party, maybe they would've been alive. But the worst part is that I didn't do anything about it. I-I was too scared, to frightened to find out who it was. That's why I came here. To learn and master killing. So maybe one day I can find out who did it and avenge my parents."

I stopped talking as I looked at Marcus who'd been sitting awfully quiet all this while. He was a good listener. And I appreciated that.

"That's why you don't like parties? Cause it gives you bad memories?"

I nodded. "Wow Rodriguez. That's some deep shit right there. You are brave to handle such a big thing like that. I'm so sorry."

My eyes had gotten teary. I hadn't told this to anyone. But I felt like I needed to tell Marcus. I just had that urge to.

I gave him a watery chuckle. "Sorry for what Arguello? It's a stupid reason to hate parties. I have to overcome it. Today."

"It's not stupid. It's actually really thoughtful. And I'm sorry.. for not being there for you sooner."

I smiled as he pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back and I felt a feeling in his arms that I never once did after my parents death:




Marcus slipped his hand into mine as we arrived at Shabnam's party. I took a deep breath.

"You're going to be okay. I'm here."

I gave him a small smile as we walked into the entrance hallway which was full of wasted kids dancing, singing and kissing.

It was weird to get used to all this when I haven't been to a party for nearly 2 months.

Marcus removed his denim jacket and hung it. Billy came out to greet us. "Well if it isn't Romeo and Juliet! Come on. Let's get this party started."

Lex threw us beer cans. I popped it open and took a sip.

"Shit is that Shabnam's old man?" Marcus asked as Billy shook his head.

"Nah he sells herbs to the hessians. Probably a pederast."

"Let's go make friends with him." Marcus said as I chuckled.

"I'm not getting buggered for a joint again."

Marcus sighed as he left. I laughed.

I drank more beer until Saya came and shook hands with me.

"Hi I'm Saya Kuroski. Saw you getting close with Marcus."

I looked at her. "Oh no, we're just friends."

"That's what they all say."

I got the feeling that she didn't like me much. But who was I to care. I looked around for Billy and spotted him, gazing at Petra as if she was this prized jewel.

And then it clicked me. He liked her.

Holy shit. This was going to be a heck of a night.

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