abandoned child

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A long time ago

It was a cold snowy night on fastoon. Alister was walking home hand shoved deep into his pockets. An icy wind made him shiver even more. Next time he was leaving work earlier. It was 23° f. And dropping. As he was walking by a alley. A cry could be heard from it "what?" Alister whispered to himself as he reached for his omni staff within his coat. He took hesitant steps toward the noise he reached a box. A child?!? Alister quickly picked up the child who was shaking very hard. The child looked to be a girl. She had what you could call the beginning of hair very dark brown or black by the looks of it. Her eyes being bright blue. Alister held the girl close to him on the inside of his coat. She was cold to touch and piece of paper on her back. "Blast." He muttered he would read it later. Alister soon got to his home. And did everything he could to get this child warm she soon fell asleep in her new warm surroundings. Alister still held her as he read the note that was in her back

Who ever finds my child,

Her name is alexis. Change it if you wish. She is no longer mine. Alexis will bring shame to my family name. I'm not leaving her out of embarrassment. But out of. Concern. She would be treated poorly in her birth family. Please treat her well

Thank you,
Her mother.

Alister couldn't believe it. "Well alexis I guess you'll be with me for awhile." Alexis was still sound asleep in alister's arms "how old are you. You can't be that old yet. How long were you left there?" He asked himself

The next day

"Its a good thing that you found her. She may have died if you didn't show up." The doctor told alister. He only nodded alexis was babbling away while fumbling with the zipper in her clothes "should we try to get her back to her mother? The note said she would be treated poorly." Alister said breaking the silence "I'm not sure about that mr. Azimuth but we should let the police know and let them take it from here. One final question as well." The doctor said "yes?" Alister asked

"Are you going to keep her?"

Alister didn't know he hadn't thought about it to hard. He was a general and had a hard time settling down. Should he keep alexis?

"Yes. I am adopting alexis." Alister finally said the doctor smiled "good. We need a full name for records." Alister thought for a moment.

"Alexis Miracle Azimuth."

So after that with the help of kaden and his wife willow. Alexis became a azimuth. Then ratchet met alexis.

First chapter woo! Had this rolling around my head for a bit hope you like it

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