San followed up with Yunhos moves and dodged the way they said not to just to demonstrate and Yunho pretended to swing his left hand at him.

"Trying to go right could benefit you because you could make it around their body before they register and continue like so"

Yunho continued reversing his moves and doing it again. San spins around his right arm and then 'kicked' Yunho forwards and Yunho 'tumbled forwards' .

They went on for another couple of minutes showing things like what to do if they do knick you , or what you do if they have you in a lock and a knife pressed to your throat.

Either give up or kick em or bite,

"But what am I doing still standing in front of a target?"

They both looked at me and Yunho smiled before releasing the blade from his hand.

Unknowingly I moved towards the side before it even hit the board.

"Nothing works best then visual learning, a few minutes ago I don't think you would have missed that , now bring the blade here and practice with San"

I gulped and then proceeded to yank the blade out of the target , I didn't forget to catch the fact that it was exactly face height. Walking up to where they were.

I held the blade out for San and he put his hand out as if keep it and pulled his own out.

It was a pocket knife that had little parts cut out of the handle it was surely customised. I'm pretty sure the blade had 'San' engraved across it .

"Ok , I'm going to go easy on you , but don't expect not to get cut, I'm just warning you now so just try and not get cut ok?"

I bit my lip and nodded , they only way I'm going to learn is through trial and error. San gave me a look of encouragement and Yunho stood back giving me pointers on how to stand.

"1.......2........3........ Go"

And just like that I somehow managed to dodge his first three attacks. He took two steps and I took two and a half , the knife was about as long as my pointer finger so I made sure I was more than that away at all times.

"Don't be afraid to attack back ok, always staying on the defensive side will sometimes get you in trouble" Yunho shouted from the side lines. I looked back at Yunho for a second when I winced slightly.

A shallow but stingy pain had appeared onto my right cheek. San actually did , it he actually cut me.

"I thought you were kidding"
I said touching my cheek lightly . There was a little smudge of blood but nothing major.

"Don't get distracted from your surroundings, never turn your back on someone who's trying to harm you"

San said moving at me again. I dodged once more , I noticed how he mimicked one of Yunhos move and he aimed for my right thigh. Moving to the left quickly I moved slightly to the side and kicked the knife out of his hand.

It fell over to the floor and I was about to celebrate my victory when a hand had grabbed my ankle and I had landed on my back roughy , the wind being kicked out of me, San had climbed on top of me somehow pulled the switch blade out of my hand and pointed it at me.

"Just because the weapons gone , doesn't mean the intentions are too, even your own weapon could be turned against you"

"Damn that was intense"

A loud clap filled the room. San smiled at me silently apologising before he got up and stuck his hand out for me .

I sighed and grabbed his hand pulling myself up with it.  Yunho was smiling , he seemed to have enjoyed the little 'play fight' we had.

"You're good I must admit , your reflexes are fine but need a little work but you need to learn how to attack properly, you flinch back whenever you go to make a move ,

compromising yourself and leaving yourself vulnerable but from what we could do today, you've picked up quite a lot , even the thing Yunho said about visual learning and you caught on to his move"

Of course he did it on purpose . These boys just don't miss a thing aye.

"Now it's for the hard part"

I gulped for the 'nth' time and sighed once realising I'd have to go into the ring .

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