Chapter 12: I Miss You

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Drip drip drip

The sound of water echoed through Gavin's ears from an underground lake somewhere nearby. A cackle sounded near the iron bars of his cell, and Gavin felt his body shiver once more.

"Have you lost all hope?" A bony voice echoed by the bars. Hope? He didn't know what the meaning of that word even was anymore. He felt himself being moved, lifted from his seat, but it didn't feel like him  anymore. Gavin was so bruised, broken and so full of hopelessness. Time had no meaning, there was no day, no night. He didn't know how long he'd been down here. He was thrown against the fence post again, hands tied behind it.

"What to do today..?" The wither skeleton hummed as he grasped his poisoned knife. He didn't cringe, didn't shudder, no gasping, nothing when the knife began carving into his flesh. Gavin felt the pain but didn't feel the pain. He gave no sign of pain as he was mutilated and held a poker face as the ropes disappeared and he fell to his knees. Suddenly someone grabbed his shoulders and pulled him up onto his feet. There were no clacking bones, but instead hushed whispers. He managed to open his bruised eyes into deep brown eyes.



"Fuckin' Fuck!" Michael roared, eyes narrowed as he slammed a fist into the wall. The knights had reported nothing again. He pulled his bleeding fist back to his side and let out a groan. Geoff was the only one in the room now and he walked over, throwing his arm over his shoulder.

"Michael, c'mon, they can't work with you screaming all the time" Geoff said, rubbing his shoulders.

"I know" Michael muttered, eyes downcast and sighed lightly.

"Mike, we'll find him" He said.

"Sire!" A yell echoed down the hallway and through the open throne door. "Sire!" The word echoed closer.

"What?!" He called out as a male around 25 years of age stepped into the room.

"What now Joel?" Michael asked, annoyance pricking his words as he had wanted to sulk in peace.

"th-uh-um-kni-um" Joel tried to say, and he quickly got annoyed.

"WHAT?" Michael asked, his eyes widening.

"Knight Jack found something concerning the king" Joel finally spit out.

"Why didn't you say something earlier!" Michael stated, rushing out of the room and down the hall. Jack stood just outside of the house almost like he was waiting.

"Speak to me on the way, are the horses ready?" Michael asked Jack. Jack nodded as two horses, a white one and a brown one. He climbed astride the white one as Jack followed suit.

"We found traces of redstone under the throne and we dug underground and found a tunnel leading this way" Jack explained, pointing the animals south. They rode for a few miles before Jack stopped and they dismounted. Near the stop where they had dismounted was a hole leading down into the earth. Michael tied his horse off and so did Jack.

Michael didn't wait for Jack to come with him as he raced down that stairway and arrived in a tunnel. He ran down that tunnel, feet pounding against the dirt floor as his heart picked up speed. He came to a large room with a cell on one side and a post near the other.

"Gavin!" Michael called, frantically looking around.

"GAVIN!" He hollered, rushing to the cell and sunk down. A piece of green fabric caught his eye as he grabbed hold of a familiar piece of creeper-patterned clothing. Tears flew to his eyes as he put the clothing to his face, breathing in deep a faint smell of Gavin.

Michael heard a few notes behind him as be thought about his love, about Gavin, still gone.

[ Michael singing Slipped Away by Avril Lavigne ]

Na na, na na na, na na

I miss you, miss you so bad
I don't forget you, oh it's so sad
I hope you can hear me
I remember it clearly

"Gavin" He whispered as he kept singing.

The day you slipped away
Was the day I found it won't be the same

"I need you baby" The words were soft as he kept going with the song.

Na na na na na na na

I didn't get around to kiss you
Goodbye on the hand
I wish that I could see you again
I know that I can't

I hope you can hear me cause I remember it clearly

The day you slipped away
Was the day I found it won't be the same

I had my wake up
Won't you wake up
I keep asking why
And I can't take it
It wasn't fake
It happened, you passed by

Now you are gone, now you are gone
There you go, there you go
Somewhere I can't bring you back
Now you are gone, now you are gone
There you go, there you go,
Somewhere you're not coming back

"Where are you Gav?" Michael murmured as he started the chorus once more.

The day you slipped away
Was the day I found it won't be the same no..
The day you slipped away
Was the day that I found it won't be the same oh...

Na na, na na na, na na
I miss you

"I miss you" He whispered again as the song finished.

"How quaint" A harsh voice spoke in the darkness. Michael heard a muffled yell from Jack as the tunnel sealed shut with him on the other side.

He looked up from the clothing into the brown eyes of a traitor. Michael got to his feet and rushed towards him, only to be shoved back into the cell as the doors slammed shut, the iron making a sharp sound against his ears as they shut.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Michael yelled, his eyes narrowing harshly.

"You shall see.." was the last thing he heard before a cloth was put over his mouth and a sickly sweet scent filled his nostrils. The last verse of the song came back to him in a haunting way as his eyelids began closing.

The day you slipped away
Was the day I found it won't be the same no..
The day you slipped away
Was the day that I found it won't be the same oh...

Na na, na na na, na na
I miss you

[ Hey guys, Mama Mogar here. I feel soo bad about not updating in so long for any of my stories. I feel like a complete ass, but I keep getting hit by huge bouts of writers block. If you have any ideas for any of the stories, not just this one, please message me. I'm going to try like hell to get more and more stories updated. Mama Mogar is out, peace. Also, check out my new achievement hunter fanfic, Believe In The Roses <3 bye guys ]

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