Chapter 8; Lost

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"How is Gavin gone?" Ray asked, as Michael paced by the door. Geoff watched as Ryan and Jack spoke softly a few feet away by their beds.

"Michael, calm down for a second. We'll find him. He must've wandered off" Geoff spoke softly, walking up to Michael.

"Geoff, I was gone for a second, if that. I'm pretty sure he didn't wander off" Michael turned to face Ryan, before he remembered what the man had put himself through. Blinded by anger and fear at being away from Gavin, he rushed the man.

He easily pinned Ryan to the wall, his diamond sword poised at the mans throat.

"Where is he? You took me and about killed me, now you and take him?!" Michael forced the words out, his dark brown eyes staring to Ryan's slate blue ones.

"I didn't touch him I swear" Ryan pleaded.

"Michael, drop him" Unwillingly, Michael let Ryan go and stalked off. He left the Knights barracks and walked down the castle hall. He entered their room and sat on his bed. Tears flowed from his cheeks as he got up from the bed. A growl escaped his lips as he slammed his fists into the cobblestone wall. He punched and punched until his knuckles were sore and blood sprang from them.

A moment later Geoff stepped in, a sad look on his face. He walked over to Michael, gently placing a hand on the mans shoulder.

"Michael, stop. You won't find Gavin by hurting yourself. We will find him. For now, you must take the crown again as his proposed partner" Geoff explained, leading Michael to the bed.

"But Geoff, I can't handle being without him" Michaels words were weak, his voice desperate as he felt tears stream down his cheeks.

"I know buddy, but until we find him, you need to watch the kingdom. The residents of Achievement City will look to you" He rubbed Michael's shoulders lightly before standing.

"Thanks Geoff" Michael called as the man looked back and smiled as Michael laid on the bed, pulling the comforter over his body.

"Your welcome bud"

King Gavin [Book 2 of Bloody King's Series] [On Hold]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang