Chapter 1

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I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I groan as I climb out of bed to turn it off. Once it's off, I slowly walk into the kitchen to make my coffee, so I can fully wake myself up.

I flip on the light switch in my bedroom, almost blinding myself and pick out my outfit for school.

I start my usual routine by washing my face and then applying minimal makeup. I finally get dressed, and once I'm done I check my Instagram and Twitter. Not much went down this weekend, so it didn't take long to scroll through my social media.

I look at my clock to see that it's 6:45, so I quickly brush my teeth, slip on my shoes, and grab my bag.

I run to my bus and hop on, instantly going to the back of the bus. I put in my headphones and blast "Bros" by Wolf Alice and wait to get to school.

The main thing I hate about riding the bus is that my bus driver comes so damn early. Like school doesn't start until 8:15 and yet he picks me up at my house at 6:50, which leads me to get to school at 7:25 ish.

But I think he teaches, so he has to get to school early; it's just frustrating how early I have to get up.

After a little while, my friend Orlando gets on the bus and sits next to me.

"Hey Breckyn, anything exciting happen this weekend?" he asks

"Hey Orlando," I respond. "Of course not. I'd have to actually leave my house for something exciting to happen in my life. How was your weekend?"

He makes a face meaning that he has something to tell me.

"What? I know that look, Orlando. What's going on?" I ask.

"Well," he starts, "I may or not have myself a man."

"What? Who?" I ask intrigued.

He smiles big and chuckles at my reaction.

"Okay, so you know my ex, right?" he says.

I scoff in annoyance as I remember his ex who cheated. "Yeah."

"So, he hit me up this weekend, and he said he would be moving to our school," Orlando says.

I'm not sure what sound I made after he told me that, but I know that it got me a few looks from a few other people on the bus.

"Breckyn, be careful about the sounds you make in public," Orlando says chuckling a little bit.

I notice how many people are staring at me, causing me to blush.

"Sorry. Continue," I say.

"Then he explained what really happened with the guy I thought he was cheating on me with," Orlando says.

He whipped out his phone to show the messages and receipts between him and Alec, and I was surprised to say the least. It turns out Alec never really cheated on Orlando. Somebody just started a rumor that he did and make up a bunch of lies about some other guy Alec was supposedly seen with. There was no other guy. 

"Oh my gosh. Orlando, that's amazing. I'm so happy for you," I say smiling wide.

Orlando smiles back at me, "Thank you. I'm really happy, too."

The rest of the bus ride consisted of us talking about random things coming up at school. Soon enough, we were pulling up to our high school, and we quickly got off the bus and walked into the cafeteria like always.

After a long while, the bell to go to class rang, and all of the students dispersed to their classes. Orlando and I went our separate ways, and I met up with Lexie and Baileigh.

"Hey girls," I call out after them.

They both turn around and smile at me.

"Hey Breckyn," they say.

"What's up?" I ask, walking beside them.

"We were talking about the party at Caleb's house this Friday night. Are you going?" Baileigh asks.

Let's see. Me an introvert who likes to spend 90% of her time by herself and avoids most social settings because they make her anxious. Probably not.

"I don't know. I mean Caleb is cool and all, and he invited me yesterday, but I'm not sure if I want to go," I say.

Lexie chimes in, "Oh come on, Breckyn. Please, go. You always stay at home. I know you like time for yourself, but just this once come with us?"

I think about it for a second and realize that Lexie was right. I mean it is my junior year. We only have one more year of high school after this. I should be making all the memories I can and having shared memories with all of my friends. I hate that my anxiety gets in the way of spending time with my friends. I don't want it to have control over me. What harm could really come out of going? 

"Okay, I'll go."

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