{chapter 1} E.D.I.T.E.D

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"Alya, wait for me!"

Adrien looked up at the familiar voice. There, not so far away from him, was Marinette, who was running to catch up to Alya.

Hey, I thought they said no running in the hallways?!

He shrugged it off. It was the end of school for the day. That was practically the only times you can run around.

But he couldn't help but be mad at himself. As Marinette passed, she gave him such a disgusted look, as if he was the worst boy on earth. He wanted to change. For her at least. But how could he?

If he could he the strongest boy in this school, or at least be tough, then maybe he could face Gabriel Agreste.

"Don't cry over her, boy," Plagg showed himself as soon as they were the only ones in the locker room. "At least she still likes you as Cat Noir."

Adrien knew that. And he certainly didn't blame Marinette for hating him. Even he hated himself.

He got out his sweater from his locker. "Yeah, whatever. I don't mind her hating me as Adrien... I guess. Anyway, it's time we visit her."

Plagg sighed at the half eaten camembert in his hands. "You never let me finish, do you? I guess I pick the wrong time to eat. Man, I'm so bad!"

"But it's not my fault," Plagg continued as he hid so Adrien could walk out of school. "I can't tell time. It's not like you give me a mini wristwatch, or a clock or something. And most of the time you have your phone with you."

Adrien rolled his eyes as Plagg continued to complain. Then he shushed the little kwami. "We're getting outside now. Shush, or else someone might hear you."

Plagg huffed, but stayed quiet. When he heard Adrien call out the words for transforming, he knew they were already at a hiding spot.

Man, this boy sure walks pretty fast...

As Cat Noir, Adrien started walking around Paris. People waved at him, said hello to him. He never recieved this kind of greeting as Adrien. He only got respect because he was the son of Gabriel Agreste.

That's it.

"Hey Kitty."

He loved hearing her voice. And he sure loves hearing her call him by his nickname. At least the nickname she gave him.

Marinette let Cat Noir in, then closed the door. The only times... No, the only way, he could he able to see her and have a normal chat without her getting pissed was as Cat Noir.

Cat Noir was this other side of him... But much better. He wished he could be Cat Noir forever... But, you know, Plagg and his precious camembert.

"Hey Princess," he have her a hug, what he always did when he entered her room.

Then Marinette quickly shut off her computer, to prevent Cat Noir from seeing the pictures that was on her screen.

"Someone's got a crush," he smirked, knowing full well that it had been his picture.

"You?" Marinette laughed, taking a seat next to him.

"Marinette..." He suddenly stopped. Did he seriously?... Had he really?...

"What is it?"

"I wanted to ask..." I really want to know... "What you think about this guy, Adrien Agreste."

Suddenly the smile on Marinette's face vanished. It was wiped away, and a disgusted look replaced the smile instead.

"I mean... I guess he's okay," she shrugged, the disgusted face still there.

"Okay?" That's not good enough! What is "okay", supposed to mean anyway? Just say you hate him if that's what you mean. Just say you hate me!

"I mean... I kinda don't really know his problem, and I hope to not know, because he's always getting in trouble. But I believe he can change," she shrugged again. This time a look of hope on her face.

"If he was going to change," he blurted, "he'll do it for you."

"What?" Marinette frowned.

"Nothing!" He quickly said. "Haha, your answer is good enough."

"Why did you ask though? I mean, what's your relationship with Adrien?"

Adrien is the other side of me... That bad guy, that guy everyone hates. That guy Gabriel beats to death cause he doesn't cause he don't care about him. Adrien is me... But the bad me...

He wished he could say that, but he didn't. "I saw him outside of your school today. He seemed to be looking at you, so I wanted to know."

"Just don't get any ideas. Me and Adrien has got nothing going on... Not even friendship!"

Ouch... But then again, that's what I say to myself... Cat Noir and Adrien are not friends. They're different from each other. They are... Two different people. That other side of me... That stupid side of me!

"After all..." Marinette looked back at him, "I already like someone else."

Marinette if you like me... Then you like Adrien... Nah! Adrien and Cat Noir are two different people!


Here's chapter 1. I said Marinette had a crush on Cat Noir, because I wanted Marichat to sail.

Do meh a favor...

How many times did I type "that other side of me."

Alright, I guess that's it...

That Other Side Of Him {Under Editing}Where stories live. Discover now