Chapter 12

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Briel POV

I arrived at work a hour early so I could talk to Kabrina. Her and Autumn have been calling non stop since I declined the foursome and it's starting to piss me the fuck off

I locked my car and put my keys in my pocket. I was close to the elevator when I heard talking and my name being mentioned

"Have you gotten close to Briel?" The unknown voice, who I'm guessing is a man, asked

"I was but the bitch is shutting me and Autumn out" Kabrina told him with a groan

I hid behind a Jeep kneeling down facing the back so I could see there face

"I don't care what you do but I want Moe and Angel or you can bye-bye to your family Sasha"

Sasha? Saaashaa? SASSSHA?

"I'm not killing a pregnant woman hell no"

"The fuck" He shouted "Who pregnant?"

"Moe" She replied in a duh tone

Eli paced for a minute then stopped facing Kabrina or Sasha whoever this tramp really is

"Forget about More and Angel. Get me there kids"

Everything started to go in slow motion. Why would this random want to hurt Moe and Angel? Better yet scoop so low that innocent kids are thrown into there drama

"Alright you know I got you Eli"

I watched closely as Eli got into a silver Phantom driving away from the property

"Briel you can come out now"

I'm not one of those white girls in scary movies falling for that loosey goosey bullshit. I remained on the ground watching her like a hawk. The sound of heels clicking made me turn around only to be hit on the head by Autumn

"Lights out" Autumn laughed. Kabrina joined her side laughing as well

"It's to bad that the kid has to go" Kabrina sarcastically announced

"Can we keep Malaiya? She's just soooo precious" Autumn begged

"Anything for you"

"I'll kill you bitches before you touch my child" I held my head trying my best to stay conscious

"You talk too much" Autumn hit me again and everything went blank

Angel POV

I happily skipped with Malaiya on my side inside Bri job. Today's the big day. I've been planning it for sometime now and I'm ready to make Briel Mrs.Quinn

"Briel isn't here" Sydney told me without looking away from the computer. I did a 360 going over to the desk

"She at lunch?"

"No she never showed up. Called in this morning saying her daughter has the Flu"

I ran my hands threw my curls thinking. I saw Bri leave the house this morning early then usual because she wanted to talk to Kabrina

"What office is Kabrina Logan located at?"

"We don't have a Kabrina Logan here. Maybe at one of other facilities"

"No she works here" I raised my voice at Sydney

"Angel I know all the workers. I check the same people in everyday"

I sat Malaiya on the desk and retrieved my phone my pocket. I strolled threw my camera roll until I came to the picture I wanted

Shoving the phone in Sydney face I pointed to Kabrina "So she doesn't work here?"

Sydney had fear in her eyes."N-No that's Sasha Barnes. She's a known assassin who escaped from a New York prison nine months ago"

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