A turn of events?

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K, well I know I'm wrighting two other stories. But I just wanted to let this one get out there, just in case befor It's taken. Hope you like it, oh and BTW any and all spell check goes to Keylee aka. IAmBulletproof13. She helped some with this story, and all three of the chapter I'm going to post. So If you give thanks then give some to her as well. Love ya sis, as well as all my readers!!!! <3 <3 <3 __________________________________________________________________________________

Levi's Pov.

"I really don't understand why were doing this again! We haven't been able to catch them for over five years!" Eld was winning and wouldn't stop complaning!" It also dosen't help that Woermann shoots anything that moves!" Erwin rolled his eyes really annoyed by the yelling and bickering. "Really, if you two don't be quiet then I'll have you two demoted and you'll never be able to hunt! Now, quiet!" Erwin yelled in a wisper for the third time that day.

As soon as the last words left his mouth a black hair wingged woman wearing a red scarf swooped down and snatched the hat right off Hanji's head. If you haven't already guessed we live in an enchanted forest. We're also hunters as well, we hunt and capture and/or kill the creatures in the forest. Most of the animals or creatures are half human and half animal, if you couldn't tell.

The creature Eld was refuring to was a dearling, also a half human half man like dear creature. We've been tracking and trying to eliminate them, because Erwin sees tham as a threat. I've been in charge of odserving and partly tracking them down. We had to split up into two groups, I'll tell you all that's in our group as how we were split up. First me and Hanji, then Erwin and Woermann was another, one was Eld and Gunther, and last was Mike and Annie. "Hay, Levi." Hanji asked quietly behind me, I was a little annoyed by it. "What!" I hissed quietly. "Why is it...why is it that we do this?" She sounded a little upset.

" Why are we hunting them? I know it's to make sure we get the land we need, keeping the town safe, and even supplying for some of the towns folks meat. But, do we really have a solid reson to kill them like this? I mean a part of them is human and considering that and the fact that we're killing them for food, isn't...w...woudn't that be cannibalism?!?" Hanji finished this with a bit of remorse, I stopped walking and turned around to say something. But as soon as I opened my mouth to say it, I couldn't find the words to say!

I understood what she was saying and what she ment. We were creating cannibalism and we all knew that! We were killing creatures that were in a way similare creatures to us in many ways, and yet we're killing them miliciously for our own benifit! We knew it was wrong, but yet we still did it! Only a handfull of the towns folk in the village knew exactially where the meat came from, and yet nobody even tried to stop us or even care! I closed my eyes and sighed and then looked at her. "Look I don't exactally know why or how this all started. Or even why we do this in the first place. But, all I know it's a living and one of the only ways we know how to survive." I looked at her with a small amount of guilt for even helping with all this. I could tell from her exspretion she was getting depressed from this.

"Hanji, why is it that you even joined the hunting Leage if you don't want to hurt these creatures?" I questioned her with a small frown on my face, she looked at me still depressed. "Because, I want to study them. And learn how they learn, even how they were able to become like they are. How they became half of two different things!" She said a little excited but then got depressed again. "At the time I forgot you also had to kill them as well, I also learned that the I.A.P.A men don't like to capture or experiment on the creatures of the forest." I knew that, and understood were she was coming from too, but she was more coriouse about learning from them than anyone! By the way, your probley wondering who these I.A.P.A men are, right?!

There basically like park rangers, or animal protecters of the forest. It stands for Inchanted. Animal.Protection. Agency men, aka. I.A.P.A men. There is suppose to be a E in enchanted but they felt it was cool and kinda cuter as well if they left it, and they were right. Plus the two that helped to name it was a couple of idiots named Sasha and Connie, and they didn't want to hurt there feelings.

Other than those two idiots there was Ymir, Marco, Reiner, Franz, and a couple of the creatures partisipated as well. Such as a posum named Rico, a elk named Bertolt, a fish or rather a memaid named Krista, and a chipmunk named Hanna. Oh, and a stalion his name is Jean, almost forgot him. I was about to tell her that she should have just joined them anyhow. Even though she wouldn't be able to experiment, she would still be able to talk or comunicate with them. But, as soon as I opened my mouth we heard a nearby trap being set off, and rushed tward it!

Eren's Pov.

I woke up a little late, and relised I would get scolded. So I jumped up out of my bed and huried to wash my face, and then brush my hair and teeth. And then polished my antlers and hoofs. I'm actually a dearinling, if anybody is confused. I bolted out of my den, and headed for the medow, to find Armin waiting for me pationtley, and a little annoyed with me. "Eren! You're late rissing early again. How are you suppose to be the next prince of the forest if you can't even get up on time!" Armin scollded me for the millionth time.

I sighed and started to walk on only two legs, or rather limbs, to where we usually find Mikasa. Armin was like me a dearling, and Mikasa was a falcon. We were going to gather in the centure of the forest as usuall for a forest meeting with all the creatures. To deturmine what the hunter had been up to, if anyone had been hurt or killed, or anything else that had acured during the time after the last meeting. We finnaly arrived at the bottom of the small mountain to find Mikasa eating her breakfast.

Mice, and frogs legs, UGH! I scrunched up my nose at the site of it, and looked at Armin. He sighed as he knew I didn't want to desturbe her grusome meal. "Mikasa, were here. Are you coming with us to the meeting, or are you going to skip like last time!?!" Armin yelled up at her, and she then looked over her shoulder slurping up the last of the slimy frogs legs in her mouth and swollowing.

It sent chills down my back, and made my stoumach hurt. She swooped down and efortlessly landed on her feet a few inches just above our heads on a branch. Whipping the frogs blood, or was it the rats? Couldn't tell which, she spoke sounding quite angry and annoyed. "Of course. If I didn't then who would keep you fools from winding up getting caught in traps!" She licked what was left of her meal off of her hand and then dropped to the ground from the branch. I guess she was right, it if wasn't for her keen eye sight we would get caught a lot more often.

"Actually, you guys I think I'll meet you there, the honey weeds and clover blossems just bloomed a few days ago. And I need to gather some of them befor the meeting so I don't forget. So if you don't mind." I said as I got on all four and started to dash for the small flower feild in the edge of the forest. Armin and Mikasa was going to stop me but knew it was useless, so Armin just called out to me. "Eren! Please be careful! And try not to get caught in any traps either!" He yelled at me conserned and worried. I yelled back, "Don't worry I'll be fine. I'll see you guys soon!"

I ran through the forest, feeling the wind hit my face and whistling through my antlers. I absolutily loved running like this threw the forst. I finally reached my destination and started to pick the flowers, clover, and other things that I needed. If we need vegitables, fruites, or anything like that we have to scavege for them and surch for them in the forest, and pick them ourselves. It's like our way of going to the market or shopping for supplies. I finally had enough in my pouch and bag that I brought with me to last almost two weeks, if not longer.

I decided to take a short cut to the meeting place and headed in a different direction than where I came. I ran like I did to get there and wasn't paying much attention, just feeling in the moment I guess. I sudenlly felt a rope snag around my knees and didn't pay much attention to it, thinking it was just a twing or something and pulled. It tightened and I relized I had done the one thing Armin warned me not to do, I had gotten caught in a trap. And then heard footsteps racing twards me. I kept pulling on the rope frantically to escape, only making more noise from the bell ringing on the rope. They were finally in view and I saw who they were, HUNTERS!

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