I Apologize!!

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Hay guys. I am sssooooooo soooooo soooooooo extremely sorry for not updating or writing. My old phone was screwing up. We don't have good signal were we are living. I haven't had Wi-Fi or data in forever. And I am only able to do this from my phone. I'd like to do so from my laptop, if only we had Wi-Fi again. Hopefuly soon. Also I'm working on a few new stories which I'll post eventually. I hope u guys understand that I'm not doing this deliberately. U have no idea how badly I've wanted to update and couldn't. I made the mistake of not copying my stories to my flash drive. So I have no idea were I'm at in my stories or what the next chapter is supposed to be. I have the idea in my head, but IDK if it matches up and will go with what has happened in the story so far. Again I am ssoooooo ssoooo sssoooooo very very sorry. I'm litteraly aboit to cry guys. Can you forgive me please. I really am sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. I hope you guys can understand and forgive me at some point. I'm currently trying to get our Wi-Fi back. Which would require me to actually get a job to pay for the internet bill cause my dad isn't going to do it. Hopefully I can find a way to make that happen and update a lot sooner. Wish me luck u guys. Also I might be deleting A Family Trip from my stories so I'm not going to be updating it. Sorry, again. It's just all over the place, I don't really like it IDK were I was going with the story, and all the characters are OOC. I just can't figure out how to fix it. Might have let someone else take over, might just delete it all together. I'm not really sure. Anyhow, wish me luck on getting my internet & Wi-Fi back and hopefully getting a job to pay for it. Again, I'm so sorry for all the trouble I've cause you guys. I hope u understand and forgive me. Bye~Nye!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2018 ⏰

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