A Check Up.

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OK, here is the next chapter. I'm trying to update as much as I can. It's a bit hard considering I'm doing it on my phone, and the computer is broke at my house. Sorry for the delays, and hope this makes you guys happy.

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Levi's POV.

It's been several days since I've been in Erens care. And I still haven't asked him anything, much less spoke to him.

What're you supposse to say to someone who kisses you, then saves you, gives you shelter, feeds and bandages your wounds, and let's you stay in there bed?

I can't just say "Thanks for saving my life, my names Levi Rivallie. It's nice of you to let me stay here till I get better. Also, why the fuck did you kiss me?!?"

That'd be bit much and rude, also I didn't really know what the hell else to say. So, I just laid in bed trying to figure out what to do. Which I couldn't do all that much in the first place.

The reason as to why is cause his friend came by to check on me, he was the first one to look at my wounds. He said my left leg was broken, and the same for my right arm. I had two bruised ribs.

My right knee was dislocated as well as my ankle from the jump off the cliff. I had several gashes on my chest, which would heal without creating to much of a scar.

I also had a claw mark over my eye that'd leave a scar and a larger one on my back that'd leave a much bigger one. I also had a mark on my head that just missed my temple, which caused me to black out along with blood loss and the cold river water.

He was surprised I didn't go into a coma or died. But then again, I was use to getting injuries like this. And trust me I've had much worst. I still hadn't regained my strength, which was understandable. But I just don't like feeling helpless all the time!!

I'd rather be in pain trying to walk on a broken leg, than to be stuck in bed doing absolutely nothing. Not only that but his dame friend's coming back today to check on me, again!

He was here only three days ago!! I can understand the concern, but seriously coming every three days!!! I think I might go insane.

Whatever, I need to get some sleep before his feminine friend gets here and asks a million questions about my injuries. After a few minutes I finally fall asleep.

* time skip brought to you by mermaid Krista *

When I woke up I instantly froze. There was a girl with black hair, wearing a red scarf, with wings on her back staring down perched on the headboard above me. She just kept staring at me, like she despised and hated me.

Eren's POV.

I walked into the room Levi was staying in. I figured out his name a fe adys ago when Armin asked him a few questions as he looked at his injuries. When I enturede the room I saw Mikasa on the headboard of the bed staring down at him.

"Mikasa! Stop That!" She looked up at me as I yelled at her, and swooped down off the headboard. But purposely hitting Levi in the head leaving a open wound. "MIKASA!!! Great, now that's just another injury I have to bandage!" I yelled at her as she just chuckled as I went over to take care of his new wound. "Dame it, Mikasa. I'm trying to help him to get better, it doesn't help if you give he more injuries!" I scolded her, and she just rolled her eyes and left. A few minutes latter Armin walks in to give Levi his three day check up.

I already told him he doesn't need to check on him every three days, but he said it would be best to make sure he was healing properly. So, I just let him do what he needed so he'd be satisfied. I could tell from the look on Levi's face that he was tired and annoyed by these check ups. Which I couldn't blame him. I know I'd be tired of them by now too. After Armin checked all his injuries, his vitals, and if he had a concussion, he said everything was fine as usual. He walked out and into the kitchen and pulled out a very large jar with a special cream inside. We usually use this stuff for serious injuries, and it's a good think he finished it too. I don't think Levi would like to go through another of Armins check ups.

I thanked him for the help and the medicine, and went back inside to where Levi was. I opened up the jar I had, and the cream inside smelled just like mint. Which is actually one of the key ingredients. "What's that?" I looked up as Levi was staring at the jar. "This is a healing remedy. It's a special cream, that when applied to the skin, accelerates the healing process. If it's alright, I'd like to apply it to your injuries so you can heal faster." I set the jar down on the table next to the bed. "Alright, and you're sure it'll help me to heal faster?" I nodded and scooped some out. "It might sting and burn a little, but it will feel better after a little while."

Levi's POV.

I didn't understand if this medicine would work, but it was worth a shot. He then applied it to my skin as gently as he could. God, did it burn!! I clutched the covers underneath me, and shut my eyes as hard as I could. A few minutes passed by and the stinging cooled down some and started to feel really good. It felt like when you're burning up in the heat, then feel the wonderful cold sting when you apply cold water. If was cool enough that it almost sent shiver up and down my spine. Several weeks passed and with Eren's help, him applying that cream, and some rest, I was healing much faster.

And even though I was healing twice as fast, I'd still take me a few months to heal enough to walk around. Eren said that when I could walk around some he'd show me around the forest, some secret spots, and even his favorite place. I'm not really sure cause I tuned out for a few seconds. All I know is he's gonna show me around, and show me a few things in the forest. I knew I'd be lying If I said I wasn't a little excited. Hay, it's not every day you get a tour of an enchanted forest!

________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ________________________________________ K, well that's all I can write for now. Hope you guys liked it. And just to let you know, I might pick things up a little. And I bet you know what I mean when I say that. *wink, wink* I gotta update the rest of my stories, but I hopped you guys like what I've posted so far. I'm a post a new one as soon as I can. Write, comment, like, vote and share. Bye~Nie! (^u^)

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