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The rumbling of thunder echoed throughout the small valley, the pine trees quivering violently as the quick gusts pulled along their branches. The sky was thick with dark gray clouds, threatening to unleash an fierce storm at any moment.

An small black figure darted from out beneath an cluster of shaking pine trees. The figure spread its tiny wings open and flapped them quickly, the shape of the silhouette forming the shape of an young dragonet. The dragonet ascended into the darken sky, his wings beating against the wind as he flew towards an small dark opening in an mountain.

An bolt of lightning flashed brightly across the sky as it started to rain heavily. The young dragonet whipped his head towards the deafening noise with fear, tucking in his small wings as he dove into the shaded gap. The dragonet shook himself slightly, running deeper into the sheltered cave as another crash of lightning lit the cave up for an brief moment.

The young dragonet paused as he accidentally touched something with his small talon. The dragonet slid his talons along the object, deciding that it was a large stick.

With a quiet huff, a small flame from the young dragonet lit an ashen gray stick on fire. The dragonet's dark brown eyes were illuminated by the warm light, his gaze sliding down to a scroll.

The scroll was wrapped with an thick silver band, the band slightly glimmering from the slightly dim firelight. With quick movements, the young dragonet unwrapped with his small talons and unrolled the mysterious scroll.

In bold black ink, it read:

Diary of Wyleria

Written by Opal

The lives of the dragons in Wyleria, or known as the hybrid tribe!

Curiosity glinting in his eyes, the dragonet continued to read the Diary of Wyleria.

Wings of Fire • The Diary of Wyleria (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now