Chapter One

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"Opal! Opal!"

The young dragonet whipped her head around to see an large gray and brown dragon grinning toothily as he descended from the clear sky.

"Hi, Earthquake!" Opal waved her dull talon at the large hybrid dragonet as he landed next to her with a slight oof.

"What are you doing?" Earthquake asked as he straitened his posture, pointing at the large green leaf resting in front of Opal's tiny talons.

"Watch this!" Opal beckoned him to back up as she pulled a concentrated face.

She opened her thin jaw and shot a few droplets of lavender-colored venom from her two long fangs at the leaf. With a sizzling sound, the leaf was eaten away slowly by the pale venom, the edges of the leaf becoming covered by lavender-tinted frost.

"Isn't that interesting?" The unusually small dragonet smiled with excitement as she clapped her talons, the tips of her ears turning bright pink with hints of yellow.

"Uh, sure, Opal," Earthquake shifted his broad shoulders uncomfortably as he glanced nervously at the frozen half-melted leaf. "Just don't do that to... you know, me or other dragons."

Opal fluttered her wings with shock, her wingtips flashing snow-white with hints of pale violet. "Oh, of course not! That would be awful!"

With a sigh of relief, the large hybrid dragonet patted Opal on her narrow head with his large gray talon. "That's good, that's good. I just wanted to be sure, you are a young dragonet after all-"

"Earthquake!" The small dragonet huffed slightly, shaking off his large talon. "You're only two moons older than me!"

The gray and brown dragonet chuckled slightly at his tiny friend, a glint of humor in his dark brown eyes. "Well, I am training to join the Council!"

Opal gave him a snort of laughter. "Only because you're soooo smart!"

"Hey!" Earthquake stuck his black forked tongue out at her. "I am smart! I found that one big herd of cows by myself!"

"I know, I know," Opal patted him lightly with a cheeky grin. "Just teasing you."

"Oh yeah?" The large dragonet gave her an mischievous look. "I'll show you teasing!"

With an playful growl, Earthquake pounced onto the the tiny dragonet, tickling her cream-colored stomach with the tips of his claws. Opal burst into a fit of giggles, her limbs flailing loosely as he tickled her more intensely.

"S-Stop, Earthquake!" The tiny dragonet managed to say, her thin snout crinkled as she laughed. With an mischievous grin, the large hybrid dragonet continued to tickle her.

A light voice roared. "Earthquake!"

The large dragonet stopped and whipped his head towards the voice. "Yes, Angler?"

An black dragon with large spots of navy blue scales across her body was gently flapping her wings, her expression stern. "Stop goofing off, you are needed at the Council to train."

"Ah, yes!" Earthquake gave Opal an apologetic smile as he soared into the blue sky with Angler. "I'll see you later, okay?"

Opal gave him a small smile. "Okay, silly."

With a sigh, she watched as the two figures disappeared over the steep hills. I never get to see him anymore... The cream-colored dragonet thought as she trudged towards an cluster of trees. He's always busy with training...

As she pushed her way through the undergrowth, her ear slightly perked as she heard slight rustling near her. Opal followed the rustling noise and started to smell the scent of blood.

Is someone injured? The young dragonet pushed away the brambles and gasped in shock at what she saw.

A sunset orange dragonet with large red wings was still on the forest floor, blood flowing from many wounds covering his body.

With a small whisper, the injured dragonet whispered. "... H-Help..."

And became still once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2019 ⏰

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