Chapter 1

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My name is Rosie. I don't exist. I'm 13 years old. I don't exist. I live in Worcestershire, England. I don't exist. I'm kinda shy. I don't exist. I'm scared. Scared of what's coming.

8 years earlier

((Flashbacks will be in third person))

A girl with long curly red hair ran up to her mother.

"Mommy, can we go now?" she pleaded.

"Yes dear, of course!" Her mother replied.

"Yaaaaay!" she shouted.

They got in the car and drove. The girl looked out the window at the trees.

When they arrived the girl hopped out of the window and ran to the door. She knocked on the door.

"Hello! Come on in!" said a lady in a long green dress.

They went inside. There was lots of boys and girls inside. One by one they got called into a room. When it was the red head girls turn she was excited and scared. She went in and was fitted in a long green dress that flowed to the floor behind her. Her mum added some makeup to her face.

"You looked beautiful darling!" exclaimed her mother.

"Can I go show the others? Please!" She whined.

"Okay then!" said her mom.

She ran outside. All the boys her age and a couple of years older stared at her with dropped jaws. She ran over to a girl in the corner.

"Hey Mia! What do ya think?" she asked.

"It goes amaZHANG with your hair!" Mia exclaimed. "Don't look now but I think someone is staring at you!"

The girl in the dress looked at a mirror and saw in the reflection about 19 boys with open jaws.

"Which one do you mean?" joked the girl.

"All of them!" Mia replied.

They shared a smile. They were the most intelligent girls of their age. Which was five.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2014 ⏰

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