He's an Uchiha?!

I didn't know there was another Uchiha alive?besides myself and Madara...wait,Rin don't get your hopes up to high..not all men are nice like Izuna.this man could end up being like Itachi.i gave myself a nod and then paid no attention to both men that were standing behind me.

I threw the kunai..but as I did I couldn't help but think how many more of us were out there.

All i knew is that,Madara,Izuna and Itachi,including his little brother and me were alive.

Now there's another?


I heard Madara call my name,i looked back.

He waved me over with one finger and pointed next to him.I blinked,dusting off my dress and then walking to them.I didn't dare look at the other man I didn't know..if he tried anything I won't hold back.i thought.

"Yes?"I said as I approached him.

I stayed behind Madara,just in case.it was always best to be safe then sorry.

"A woman?"The guy i didn't know said.

That's been everyone's reaction when they found out that the person Madara and the akuatski kidnapped was a woman

"She's the only female survivor."he said.

"But she doesn't look like an Uchiha."Obito said.

I frowned,why did it matter!

"Her father was an Uchiha and her mother was from the chinoike."Madara explained.

The guy nodded,"I see."he replied.

He looked at me.

He possessed the rinnagan just like Madara did!that was impossible!I've heard the rinnagan was rare

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He possessed the rinnagan just like Madara did!that was impossible!I've heard the rinnagan was rare.only the six paths had access to it.my eyes slightly widened when he suddenly got closer to me.

My hand grabbed Madara's arm.I knew he wouldn't let anything happen to me.he reached over,what the hell is he doing!does he want to fight?!

He grabbed a strand of my hair.

What the?i thought,I looked at him confused.I held tighter to Madara,"an Uchiha with white hair."he muttered letting the strand go.


My eyes narrowed as i sensed that horrid chakra.


We all turned our heads as he approached us.

"Obito."Itachi said for a quick greeting.i narrowed my eyes,so that was his name...Obito.

Itachis gaze meet mine.he looked at me with an angry glare but then quickly changed expression when he looked to Madara.

"We figured out who told the five kage about our whereabouts."Itachi said.

"Who is it?"he asked.

"Danzo."he replied,i saw Madara frown at his name.there was a moment of silence.the wind blew making the tree's rustle.

"That bastard really is working for the leaf after all."Obito said.I bit my bottom lip,Danzo wasn't a double agent after all..he really was with the leaf.

"Shall i gather some ninja to assassinate him?"Itachi suggested.Madara looked up at him then to me,then back to Itachi.

"No,Ill do it myself."Madara said.


"But Madara-"I started to say but he spoke to Itachi cutting me off.

"Accompany me to eliminate him."he said.Itachi bowed his head

"Right."he said.Madara turned and looked at Obito.

"Stay here with her until I return."Madara said.

"Wait what?"I said raising my voice.in a flash they were gone.where my hands once held his arm,i was holding nothing.

I let my arms drop beside me,really?I don't even know this guy!what if he's a double agent to!what if he's here to kill me!

I turned and looked at him.For all i know he could be lying and faking this whole thing..I think I'm being paranoid.but there's no harm in being safe.i thought.

Obito noticed that I was starring,he looked straight at me.

Obito noticed that I was starring,he looked straight at me

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My eyes widened and i looked away.Oh crap what if he wants to fight me?!And Madara's not here!what will I do then!Rin calm down,get yourself together..but he looks like he was in a battle not that long ago..

But this isn't good.

Just act neutral..

"You can leave,I'm still training."I said walking to where i was standing before.I pulled out a kunai and threw it flicking my wrist just as Madara told me to do.thats right.i thought.just shrug off his presence.

I frowned as it hit the outside of the target,damn it.I grabbed another kunai from my pouch and aimed it again.i closed my left eye.the point matched up with the target,I flung it.

It didn't hit either.I took a deep breath,dont yell and destroy the tree.i thought.have patience..

I pulled out another and-

I gasped when a kunai flew straight past me and bent in the air hitting the target right in the middle.

My eyes were wide,and my mouth slightly opened.

"Your throwing it the wrong way."i heard Obito say as he approached behind me.

I frowned and ignored him,I brought out two more Kunai,and threw them at the target.

My fists clenched.i felt myself getting frustrated and angry.i probably look stupid right now!i can't get these stupid kunais to bend in the air.i walked over to the tree and grabbed all of the weapons from the trunk and then went back to where I was standing before.

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