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It's been years since Vulko left as I have kept myself busy with taking down Steppen Wolf with the other Justice League members, but in the years I've changed due to now I was taller and my body has changed. My body was now curvier as well as well developed from what apparently men say I'm...'sexy' they like to call me. I just find them not amusing as my dad was the same. He was protective of me but my old man can still drink me under the table any day.

I just didn't know though that I'd be seeing familiar faces anytime soon.

Present Day (2018)

I was 32 years old and it's been years since I saw Vulko and it's been years since I became Aqua-woman. And as of right now, I've got a rescue mission from pirates...oh joy. I had to get the crew from the submarine in which I knew by the time I get there some will be dead.

As I sped through the water, I saw the submarine that I'm looking for, now you'd think I'd have to go inside of the submarine to get it to the surface. Wrong! I can get it up due to my other Atlantean half.

As I approached I attacked the propeller sending it shaking. I then went under neath and went full speed underneath sending it shaking as I pushed it towards the surface swiftly. This'll be fun.

As I break through the water, the sun was headed down to late afternoon as I jumped up to the top of the submarine getting out of the water in a crouch as I headed for the hatch in which I knew they'd be ready for me.

As I looked I hit the hatch sending it slamming down on the gun men as I jumped down with my back facing them, my trousers and bindings on my chest only revealing my many tattoos that I have on me.

"Permission to come on board." I said turning my head to them with my brown hair down to my shoulders as my eyes held a glint towards the gun men...I'm hoping for a challenge.

As they exchanged looks they then opened fire as I kicked the hatch up and used it as a shield to bounce the bullets off as I went towards them as I slammed the hatch down on one man and then the other as I used it as a discus to get it in the wall as the man shot a bullet and I dodged swiftly.

I turned to him a little annoyed at that as I grabbed his leg and chucked him into the stairs. The other man I head butted and flipped him into the wall sending sparks. After I dealt with them another gun man came shooting at me, I punched the wall sending machinery at him as he got distracted I ran towards him, and slammed him against both walls and dropped him as I saw others in the next room.

This wasn't a challenge really. As I got the hatch door I chucked it at the gun man that was headed out of the room and sent him sliding to the floor.

I then walked through the smoke as I came to the room. Someone tried to take a hit behind me as I reached up and grabbed his arm, and I lifted him onto my shoulders and ran through the door way as he hit the top sending him off my shoulders unconscious. Idiot.

I heard another one and slammed the door into him to stop him from panicking. Honestly, is this the best these pirates have like? One came out and I grabbed the gun swiftly and pointed it to the roof where it went off and I took the gun and rammed the butt of the gun in his gut repeatedly and then lifted him up with it and slammed him into the ceiling.

Another one came as I stepped forth and grabbed the gun making sure it shot at all the others in the room as I grabbed the man and rammed him into the stethoscope. A man slapped me across the face and that just annoyed me but he did have some damned guts to do that as I turned to him with fury. I punched him in the face sending him down to the ground.

I sighed as I made my way through the submarine to the torpedo room where the crew was hiding as I spun the wheel. They must have put something in it to stop it from turning. As it opened I knocked the last guy to the ground...I hope it was the last one due to I was suppose to meet dad for some beer tonight.

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