Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm it was 9:00am meh too earlier. Normally I hate waking up I love my sleep to much I wanted to stay in bed but I'm meeting Leigh-Anne in about an hour and I couldn't wait I literally jumped out of bed and put some music on and was singing and dancing while I got ready. About an hour later there was a knock at the door, it was Leigh-Anne. I smiled as I opened the door.

"morning Pez" she smiled at me as I gestured her in.

"morning" I couldn't help but smile I grabbed my stuff and we walked to the canteen. Just being in her present made me happy. We talked as we walked across campus it was a nice sunny day and it looked so pretty. We got to know each other more and it was so nice she really is something special, there wasn't anything she told me about herself that made me not like her. We got some breakfast and after we finished eating we talked more. We laughed and joked we really do get along.

Today was my first lecture and I was excited I couldn't wait to get started. We met Jesy at the fountain and I remember yesterday and the wish I made. Yesterday I had hope it would come true. Jesy finally turned up and we headed to the music building I still couldn't believe how awesome it was. We took our seats in the room and Leigh-Anne sat next to me on one side Jesy on the other. Our task was to write a song and then we had to record it and show it in front of the class, we had till the end of this term which is 5 weeks. I hated singing in front of people I'm scared that they will laugh at me. That's what happened at my old university I had people telling me I couldn't sing I should quit while I'm ahead and laugh at me. It really made me lose confidence but I had my family believing in me and if I didn't I wouldn't be here they gave me the strength to carry on but I suffer a lot because of all that with my confidence and self-believe. Me Leigh-Anne and Jesy worked together and Jade when she got back.. Which I was happy about.

"right girlies what shall we write about??" jesy asked

"how about something to do with love but a fast upbeat one?" Leigh-Anne suggested.

"yeah that sounds good" jesy beamed. I smiled and agreed. After about an hour we came up with the first verse and the bridge. We still had to come up with the chorus a second verse and the final bridge and the tune to go with it and who would sing what.

"girls I think this is some good shit" Leigh beamed. Her smile always made me smile.

"agreed" Jesy beamed

"i'll email Jade our idea's and what we've got so far so she can input" "okay" I actually liked the song it was different to any other love song in the charts.

The rest of the day went by quite quickly me Leigh-Anne and Jesy just hung out all day. I was so happy I had friends and there was something different about them I feel like I can trust them and I've never had that before. I find it hard to trust people but not Leigh-Anne and Jesy. After a while we decided we would go back to Leigh-Anne and Jesy room and try and do some more of the song we wanted to get it finished as soon as possible.

"guys I'm just going to get a shower then I'll be over" I said and went to get a shower. I couldn't be bothered to make an effort so after I got out the shower I just put some leggings on and a hoodie and went across the hall.

"guys its me Perrie"

"well hello there" jesy said in her manly Scottish accent as she answered the door.

"OMG jesy that's epic" I said laughing

"she's awesome at accents" I jumped as Leigh-Anne came walking out from the bedroom. .

We got something to eat and drink and then we sat on the floor in the living room.

"so guys lets get cracking lets get the song finished, Jade emailed me back and this is what she put which i think is really good shes always been the best at song writing out of us 3" jesy smiled and read out the email.

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