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~Ashes paint our bedroom grey
These shall be our finest days~

It had been a week since Johannes first put me in this tower. I still couldn't believe he built it himself, I didn't take him seriously when he said he would.

Another thing I couldn't get over was the fact that when Johannes was showing me the tower I could've ran to the boat and escaped but I was in too much disbelief. "I'm never going to get out of here." I mumbled to myself. No one knows where I am, no one is coming for me. I had to face the fact that I was going to die in here and that I was never going to see my family again. Sure I wanted to cry, but after months of this I seemed to have ran out of tears. Plus I was hungry and dehydrated, I couldn't cry even if I wanted to.

My thoughts were interrupted by the click of the door being unlocked.

"Hello (Y/N)" Johannes greeted. He was carrying a large basket with him.
"I brought you some things." He took a seat on the floor and began to take objects out of the basket. There was some food and a change of clothes.

"Where did you get these things?"

"I went back to Avatar Country and brought you some stuff, that's why it took me so long to come back."

"Wait so the war is over?"

"Yes it's been over for quite a while now, our country was victorious thanks to the King. Ah, I love the King, Glory to our King!" He began to ramble.

"So if the war is over, that means I can go home correct?"

"No not yet dear, anyway come sit you must be starving." He patted the floor in front of him.

I was hungry, I hadn't eaten in days so I did as I was told and took an apple from the basket.

"Johannes, I miss my family and my country. Will you ever take me back home?"

He was about to take a bite from an apple when I asked him this and he just stopped and angerly put the apple back in the basket. He stood up and walked out, slamming the door as he exited. I heard the click of the door being locked and the sound of footsteps fading as he walked down the stairs.

Tower (Johannes Eckerström)Where stories live. Discover now