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          ~Light some candles, do not cry, I'll sing you a lullaby~

I sighed unhappily with my head resting on my hand. I stared at all the people in front of me waiting in the main room. We were at yet another one of the King's dinners. At this point i was pretty bored with coming to these but my father wouldn't let me miss one.

When the horn sounded everyone got up and went towards the big doors, entering the dining room.

Everyone was calmly making their way to their seats when a group of soldiers run in.

"Your honor! Avatar Country is under attack! Citizens must evacuate and get to safety!" One of the soldiers informed.

That announcement caused everyone to panic and run out. I couldn't find my parents and i started freaking out, everything was happening so fast.
The next moment i felt a hand grab my arm and pull me along with them.

It was the Jester, he led me out the door and we kept walking until we got away from the crowds and to a secluded area.
The area was a recognizable one, it was the lake i always go to. There was a medium sized boat in the water.
He lead me towards it and said "Get in, we have to hurry." He extended a hand to me after he pushed himself on the boat.
"But, but what about my family?" I asked, my eyes watering.
"They'll be fine i promise, the King won't let anything happen to his citizens; but for now we must go."
I nodded and got on the boat with him.
"Where are we going?"
"Somewhere safe for now, don't worry."

As Johannes began to steer the boat i looked back at the land behind me. I was saddened to leave it, i missed my family already and i hoped I'd be returning soon.


It had been a while since we left the country but i could still see it a tiny bit in the distance. I was exhausted so i laid down on the floor of the boat and covered myself with a blanket that was on the boat.

Johannes starting humming a soft lullaby and i drifted off to sleep.

Tower (Johannes Eckerström)Where stories live. Discover now