Racconeggs x reader

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. "Ezra."
"What y/n" he replied in a annoyed tone. "I'm gonna head to town with Cam since he's in the country you wanna come?."

"Yeah" he got up and changed into a different shirt. I got in the car and waited. We went to cams house to pick him up then we went to the mall .

Once we hit a few stores Camron kept messing with me. "Stooop!" I laughed as he kept leaning on me his arm on the top of my head. Stupid tall ass tree.

"Your so fucking short y/n"

"Your so fucking tall Camron."

"Awe you guys are such a cute couple." A random person. I shoved his hand off. "Oh please we're no where near."

I look around for Ezra to see him storm storming off. I caught up to him then grabbed his arm just for him to rip it away. "Ezra! What is your problem!!!"

He stepped close to me casing me to step back. "You! You and Camron being buddy buddy!"

I scoff "are you kidding me...!?"

I roll my eyes. "Your jealous"

He groaned. "I just don't like it y/n!"

I shook my head. I grab a fist full of his hair. Pulling his face to mine. I had him at an angle so it didn't hurt him. "Your jealous baby. And it's okay. I love seeing you jealous it's sexy."

I saw his face turn crimson. I brought my lips to his bitting his lip breaking away. "Stop being a crybaby and just hang out."


GBG// boyfriend preferences~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu