chapter 2

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I flutter my eyes open and hear laughter.

"Where am i?" I say.

They start to mumble stuff "yo he finally woke up!" Some dude says. I furrow my eyebrows. They start to laugh again until the door bursts open.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" She yells. Tori. She comes over to me and pushes the dude to the side. "Did they hurt you?" She asks getting on her knees so that we were facing each other. I shake my head. She smiles and unties the rope that was around me.

"Aww come in Becky let us have some fun with him!" Another boy whines. She shakes her head. "I'll take care of him myself"

My heart sinks. Is she gonna hurt me?

When she untied all the ropes i stood up and she grabbed my hand. "Come with me" she says pulling me. "Oww" I whine. She rolls her eyes and takes me out of the room. She takes her way to another room down the hallway.  She pushes me into the room and closes the door, she locks it.

She sighs "how did they get you?" She asks. "Well after you left I made my way back home but then they caught me and threw me in a van" I explain shrugging

She chuckles. "Well be grateful I walked in the room...who knows what they would've done to you" she says taking her boots off. I furrow my eyebrows "like what?"

"Oh I dont know, maybe cut you or torture you....their usual" she says like it's the most normal thing..

"Can i leave now?!" I say sighing. She shakes her head. "They caught cant leave now,its too dangerous" she says and stands infront of me.

"But make yourself at home, let's go to sleep now, we have a big day tomorrow morning" she says and pushes me on the bed. I sit up on my elbows and she crawls on top of me.

I was still a virgin and had never done anything naughty or like that. She looks at me in the eyes and smiles. "Good night joey" she says and lays her head on my chest. I sigh. She grabs my hand and puts it on her waist. I slowly close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

Next day

I open my eyes and see no one next to me. I search for my phone and see it charging on the nightstand. I get up and open the door. I hear yelling and arguing downstairs. I walk down the stairs and see the dudes from yesterday. Then I see tori.

She comes over to me and smiles. I smile back. "Goodmorning joeyy"

"Joeyyy my boyyy!!" One of the dudes says wrapping their arm around my shoulder. I furrow my eyebrows. He had blonde hair and tanish skin..he wasnt pale. He rubs my neck lightly.

"Kelly chill" tori says pushing him off. He laughs and plops on the couch. She rolls her eyes. "Umm what's y'alls names?" I ask

The boys come over the couch and they were all infront of me.

"This is Kelly, Sawyer, Fernando, ashton, ari, myriiah, and me...Becky " she says.

I furrow my eyebrows "becky??" I ask. She sighs " I know I told you my name was tori...I had to keep it undercover" she explains. I shrug and nod.

"Soo is this all of yall?" I ask. Sawyer laughs. "Fuck no! The rest of us are still trying to escape" he says. I furrow my eyebrows "escape what?"

"The police...dumbass" myriiah says..  damn she was sassy. I frown and she rolls her eyes. "Uhm ee escaping jail brotha" Fernando says

"What were yall in jail for?" I ask getting worried now. What if they wanna kill me. "Well Kelly over there went to jail for stealing shit..Sawyer he...he kinda raped someone at a party...Fernando beat some dudes up..alot.. ari she vandalized her school...myriiah she hurt a boy...really bad." Becky says looking down at her hands.

"And you?"

"Uhmm I dont think you would wanna know" she says smiling.

I turn to look at Sawyer "will you tell me?"

He chuckles "she kidnapped her ex and then we killed himm" he says and walks into the living room along with everyone else. I look at Becky "you killed your ex?"

She rolls her eyes and looks up at me "listen he deserved it." She says. "No one deserves to di-" ... "HE DID!!" she says.

"What was his name?" I ask. Maybe I knew him..


I shrug. "What did he do?" I ask. She shakes her head "I dont want to talk about it" she says looking down. I grab her shoulders "tell me when you're ready" ... she looks up and smiles.

Suddenly the phone rings ruining the whole mood. Kelly runs to get it.

"Hello" he says..."really they're out?!"

He yells sawyers name and passes him the phone. "What's going on?" Becky asks. Sawyer holds up his pointing finger as he listens to the person on the phone. Suddenly a smile appears on his evil smile.

I gulp as he hangs up. "Clean the house...THEY COMING BACK!!" He yells and everyone starts jumping and cheering...except me..I didnt know what was going on.

Becky smiles and jumps in my arms.


The door bell ringed and myriiah got up to open the door.

"Sawyer your brother is here!"

She opens the door wider and a tall boy with dirty blonde hair comes in along with two others. He was around 5'11

He looks at me "who's he?" He asks. Sawyer shrugs "someone we kidnapped" he says making me raise an eyebrow. Lawson laughs. The two other boys behind him come over to me "he looks inexperienced" one with curly hair says.

"He is" Becky says. "What's your name?" The one with curly black hair says. "Joey, and you?"

"Joseph" he says "and I'm jacob,his twin brother" another boy says. This one had striagh black hair

"And I'm Lawson, sawyers brother" lawson says coming behind me.

Well fuck

|good night♡|

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