20 The Beast's Tail

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The party slid through the tight tunnel as it squeezed down on them and then released, pushing them as they crawled, still movement was very slow. The walls of the tunnel seemed wet and slippery covered in mud and slime. They were covered in complete darkness feeling their way through to whatever remained on the other side. Makira began to panic, if she was being squeezed to death how were the others still following her. "By the gods does it have to be so damn tight?" She screamed. Her voice was muffled and quieted as Marcus listened and responded as loud as he could, "At least we're not fighting would you rather go back? Not that I'm sure we can." Whatever this place was it seemed to silence sound.

"This feels like being reborn again." Sam sounded out not knowing is anyone could hear her. "In a manner so speaking it is I believe. Then again I would say no not exactly." Quil replied to her. If she understood everything that was flowing through her mind like a mad rapid then no they were defiantly not being rebirthed, contrary she would defiantly need thousands of baths to ever think of being clean again. Rebirth though in the sense they would emerge completely new beings. They had been through hell together, literally, what more could possibly stand in their way after such a feat.

Marcus thought as he was again pushed forward gripping what he could he crawled and kicked forward. At least he knew now what had happened even if it was a perversion of the facts. He would never forgive Orc's for what they did to him and what they took from him. He thought to each of the rooms they had been through and realized all of his new friends had a story to them as well. They had learned so much together and they had learned to work together and depend on one another. Marcus felt stronger now and he was so much better with his weapons than the boy that fought against trees and other playing boys. This party was becoming something more from all it had been through. This raggedy misfit group was coming together like the family he had lost. Marcus knew he would stand beside them no matter what they went through. He owed them that much and they deserved so much more.

Makira was mad beyond words, she was wet and dirty; they hadn't found anything worth what they had been through. She was tired of being squeezed and smushed in this dark tunnel. People of her statue were already confined enough as it was by the world she didn't need to feel anything else trapping her in from the outside. The further she was pressed the more nauseated became. She was sure a stench was building about her. This was her only hope and drive for pushing further. This might just be the sign she was looking for that they were at last coming near the exit.

Sam pulled and crawled through the tight confines astonished how they pressed and pushed aiding her in quest forward. She was covered in a slim and muck that disgusted her to even to think about it. How it squished and pressed through her fingers and into every cranny it could find. She thought about all she had been through. She pondered over what all she had seen. Were the visions true? What did they mean and who was this man she meet in such a horrific place she hated to even consider it. Who exactly was this woman that was with him? She wanted to know more she couldn't get him out of her head. "Am I becoming obsessed?" she wondered to herself. "Quilandria if you can hear me, help me if you can. I do not understand what all I see, hear, and feel. My head is a spin with emotions I've never known. I feel so disconnected. I feel so connected. I feel so driven beyond anything I've ever done before. Please my goddess if you can hear my prayers guide me and aid me." She began to ponder the meaning of love. The obsession that followed such a deep feeling or emotion or instinctual drive, whatever it was, was this the same thing that drove her mind and heart and body to the brink of madness? Considering where they had been which she understood quite well; the feeling they were still moving downwards made her wonder if any of the gods could hear or could even help them now. Still she pressed on trusting in this lone man to see them all through.

Meroes kicked and slid trying to gain ground forward in the tight tunnel. Realizing how close they had been to being damned forever, he wanted to put as much distance between them and the large chasm behind them. It felt as though his sword kept clutching into the slick walls around him. He was almost choking on the amount of liquid and slime amounting around him with little space to keep his face above it. Still this was much better than staying back there. Nothing here seemed to want to eat or kill him only smother him in an almost deadly tight embrace.

The stench was overwhelming, it assaulted their senses the further they pressed on through the dark flexing tube. Murk and muck threatened to swallow them whole. They fought against their surroundings and against themselves as their bodies threatened to convulse at what little reeking air there was to breath. Their stomachs cramped and swelled turning within their chest. Makira wasn't sure but thought she seen light ahead. The faintness of light seem to pulsate and stop maybe she was simply seeing spots from all the environment was assaulting her with. Still it did serve to increase her vigor to press on ahead with more determination. Anything that might lie ahead was surely better than being stuck in this cramped, suffocating, relentlessly binding tunnel.

Marcus felt a foot kick him in the face and threatened to crush his nose as one of the women ahead of him slipped. He cursed under his breath wondering how much more he would have to endure. How long would his nose take to heal from the battering it had taken in this twice-damned place? A sudden violent push from behind pressed everyone into one small tight packed group in a small pile of bodies and limbs. They all began to yell and complain at each other when Makira pointed hollering to the group. "I think that's the way out!" The small band froze instantly. They looked where Makira's finger was pointing. A single small star shaped hole pulsated with the walls and bleed small sharp bright rays of light through. "How are we supposed to get through that small little hole?" Samantha asked in a deeply resentful voice. "I guess we have to squeeze through as best as we can." Meroes replied. That was all the encouragement Makira needed as she madly crawled for the exit.

Makira sat in front of the small hold and pressed both of her hands through to her elbows before it tightened around her. She was surprised that unlike rock, it was flexible and she pressed with her feet pushing herself up and into the hole. Holding her breath as it pushed back against her face she pushed as hard as she could. She felt a cool breeze blow against her face and opened her eyes. Light burned her eyes and she squinted. Taking in a deep breath, pulling, and pushing she forced her way through. She couldn't believe what she saw. What kind of place was this now? She could see trees and a bog and hoped her friends hurried behind her before their next challenge faced her.

One by one, each of the group pushed through until all were out. They stood looking at each other and the tiny normal looking little rabbit hole surrounded by grass and mud in the side of a small hill. They looked at each other covered in mud and muck. Slowly they looked at their surroundings. Not knowing whether to trust their senses or their eyes. Were they finally free? Was this just another illusion and another challenge they had to face? Nothing attacked them, and there didn't seem to be any imminent danger. Was that really the sun up above them? They couldn't believe their eyes. They unloaded their gear and started to tend to each other's wounds.

The five friends stood outside the small hole. The bog around them emanated a horrific smell. "What is that smell" Makira asked. "It's the bog that surrounds the exit," answered a familiar voice. Sam, Makira and Marcus turned and looked. They knew the voice; they had traveled with that amazing creature. The five friends looked up and gazed upon their green friend as she floated down. Tula's feet lightly touched the marshy ground. "Congratulations, you all are the first to ever make it through the halls."

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