Udhay's sudden Change

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Thinking about her mother, She looked at him with pleading eyes.

He pushed her away as he left the room at once.

Narmada sat by her bed as she cried.

What was her life turning into?

She had never expected that her life would take such a drastic turn.

It was only a few days back that she was a happy girl studying part time , surrounded by friends.

And now, she sat here, totally destroyed as she thought.

She wiped her tears as she glanced at the peach coloured saree.


Udhay walked downstairs to surround himself with his relatives while his sister stood by the corner having a talk with their relatives .

Though he spoke with her harshly, he still doesn't think it will work.

He glanced at his watch and to the stairs and felt relieved when he saw Narmada coming down.

Her black hair was open but neatly kept, she wore her attire and carried it with elegance as she walked down.
It really works! He thought to himself.

He turned back to talk to people and soon found everyone gaping at her. So beautiful and mine.

Narmada smiled reluctantly while everyone started to socialise with her.

She hated to socialise, it was only a selected few whom she liked and talked a bit.

She hardly realized when she found herself standing by the corner while the place was clearing out.

She picked one of the juice bottle and started to open it when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

She turned to find her ex-bestfriend, now her nemesis standing.

She flashed her fake smile while keeping the bottle back on the counter .

"If you hadn't yet known, I'm your sister in law." She said with a sly smile on her face.

Narmada looked coldly at her, almost wanting to hit her but then flashed her fake smile again.

"I think it's quite late to ask, but don't you feel guilty for supporting your brother in destroying my life?" She said and started walking away when she came face to face with Udhay .
" No. I did everything for you too. One day you will realise it." She said to herself unfazed by Narmada's harsh words.

"We should be leaving." He said, deliberately holding her hand and took her out while glancing at his sister .
He took her to their grand reception for his business partners and people.


They reached the reception hall and she felt disgusted to find people gasping as if they were celebrities.

On the entrance, they were showered with flower petals.

Udhay still held her hand as they walked up to their table and everyone welcomed them.

Narmada wasn't even trying to smile anymore as she sat there, while Udhay tried to socialise and smile as much as possible.
Narmada however was lost in her own world thinking about her mother.
Gradually, the reception was over and the couple were the first one to leave.

"So where are you going for your honey moon?" Asked one of his cousin.

Udhay flashed him a smile.

"You know, how the work needs me right now, we can't leave for honeymoon right now." He glanced at Narmada who was literally glaring at the cousin. He smiled to himself.

She couldn't even imagine sharing a room with him and this cousin of his was asking about their honeymoon destination.

They sat in the car and left from the place at once.

Narmada sat as far from him as possible in the car and looked out of the window, not wanting him to see her crying, she just didn't want him to think of her as a vulnerable person.

She cried her heart out, she knew her voice was rising as she sobbed but she couldn't care anymore.

Udhay looked away and towards his side of the window, trying to look outside the window as he supported his elbow to the window and covered his mouth as he thought about this marriage.

He could hear her sobs but didn't look at her afraid that he might meltdown.

He felt troubled to the fact that he had to act tough and arrogant in their house with her. At that moment, noone know how much he wants to hug her , comfort her saying everything will be fine.

Udhay shook his head as he occupied himself to his phone and went through the mails, most of the them were congratulating him on the marriage, he smirked sarcastically, if there was anything to be congratulated about.

He still heard her cry. " Will you shut up? Why are you crying as if world is gonna end today? Stop wailing like a baby." He said rudely.
" You manipulative jerk, emotionless pig." She wiped her tears instantly .

Soon, the car came to halt outside his mansion.

He breathed out, as he walked out of the car and reached to open the gate of her side.

She was surprised and immediately composed herself realising that people would be noticing them, again.

And as predicted, several press cameras were flashed at them. She sighed getting out of the car while holding his hand.

She was startled when he suddenly bent and picked her up.

Once inside, Udhay gently released her on the couch of the living room, the maids gaped at the bride with admiration.
Her mother looked away on seeing her. Narmada walked towards her but Pavithra refused to even look at her.

Narmada got up, she rushed to her room immediately and locked herself in. She held her head as she screamed out in frustration, seeing her mother and she ignoring her felt like the most hurtful thing she could bare, but this was all Rekha's fault.

She slumped to the white bed which was now decorated with rose petals, she could smell the fragrance and realized it had been decorated with the expectation that something special would happen between the newly wed couple tonight.

She closed her eyes, she didn't even realize when she had dodged off to sleep.

" I am glad Narmada got married to a good guy." Rathnavel Rajan said to already fuming Sundaravalli. She couldn't fathom the fact . Whenever she tries to cause some trouble, Narmada got saved by someone else. Her luck always saves her.
" Valli, why are you hell bent on hurting Narmada?" Rathnavel asked her .
" She insulted me. Add to that ,you refused to marry her with my brother stating our status and how i am just your mistress. How could I forget that?" Sundaravalli said angrily.
" Please forgive her. She spoke badly about you because her mom was in hospital then. Just leave her alone. I will ask her to change the properties to your name. She didn't even inherited it despite it was registered. Can't you see she is not going to come for money. I lost my princess for good. All for the lust . Kill me rather than torturing me. " He said while controlling his tears from coming out.
" Lust? How dare you call what we have as a mere lust?" She grabbed his shirt collar and pushed him back.

She rushed out after her mobile rings.
Private number calling.


Hi all,
Finally a update after a long time.
Sorry guys, this time i won't go for long.

Forever & AlwaysNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ