New Shoes.

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Ignorance is bliss
Either it's a hit or miss
Bad luck will hit you as fast as a
Meaningless Kiss
You ought to call a witch
To cast it off
But let's stop there, let's flip the switch
Because I got something to tell you.
That might turn off the blues.

I've got some news
I bought new shoes
I figure like we should dance crazy
So what? If things are getting hazy?
That won't stop you or stop me.
Wait and see
It's all the same
Bad luck got us lucky
It sucks to cry loudly again and again
It's tiring.
So why not? Live a moment
With a pending unknown unlucky possibility.
Die happily
With a smile.
Knowing you lived this moment worthwhile.

It rains and shines
Bad luck is there all the time.
Either you're dying or alive
That's life.

So drop the knife
Grab a kite
Live the night
Dance at the ball floor
Dance with our bodies in new shoes.
No issues.
Just distracting our brains from the bad news.

Chain Smoking Nicotine
While listening to some Avril Lavigne
Either I did something good or I sinned
Worrying, what good will it do?
I'm wearing new shoes.
And I have the right to choose.
We don't have any clues on what to fear
So why cry with endless tears?

Letting yourself drag on with frustration.
Unable to start a conversation.
No designation
Just pure convulsions
If we keep doing what we do
We might run in to some
Unforeseen complications.
Would it kill you to take your brain on a vacation?
Confirm your resignation at
24/7 stressful thoughts incorporated.
Get out and be sedated.
Change your shoes because they're outdated.
For days and days you're aggravated and frustrated
You're like a balloon deflated.
At the same time a bomb

You've cried your lungs out enough.
You've been scared rough.
I think it's time to get tough
Look at things in a new perspective.
Consult the director in your head for a new directive.
Collapse our problems while wearing
Beautiful shoes.
Good news
Up ahead
Down ahead
You need a good rest at a comfy bed.
Just give it up and be happy!
Come on already!
I swear trust me!
You've been beaten up a lot of times
And you still managed to stand up!
Right now let's just act differently
Think cognitively
I mean what could go wrong?
A pending doom is already there.
Let it be!
That's life
And it's a monstrosity!

Our job is to look at it and see it's beauty.
Bad luck can run over me
Because I'll be dying and living happily.
Waste my breath singing happily.
Dancing happily.
Because of the Good news.
While wearing

New Shoes.

Notes On Human Errata (2018-2022) Where stories live. Discover now