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I swear I'm not that rough
Not that hard as a dry cough
Life's just tough and let me tell you that I've had enough.
I'm at this age
Perplexed with subtle, unexpected rage.
Complex and about to vex in this page filled with something teenage.

I walk away and not listen from anyone that cares about me.
I kept thinking that probably I'm just really a messy degree of all things that aren't meant to be.
I'm this and that.
Unchangeable and Immovable.
Unable to enable let's put it this way that I'm disabled.

I want to find this page but I'm unable to find the table.
Of content.
Of Contentment
Of Entitlement
To myself.
I'm always full of doubt.
I bet that my life will go south.

I'm stuck with choices that I had to make quickly.
Not thought carefully.
Young and naive.
Can no longer remember.
The worth of anything at all.
I never got the call.

I'm just a kid with his thoughts.
A kid in distraught.
Causing a massive onslaught.
On his life unknowingly.
We're at this age of uncertainty.

This confusing phase.
This ragged road.
Eventually we'll find our way out.
It's the wrong choices that make the most out of us.
Capable to realize.

I'm a kid with problems
Yearning for real friends.
Can't even make any amends.
Confused and troubled.
Happy and glowing.
We're at this point were we tend to push and run away.
Like feeling infatuation we blush and turn away.
Maybe as we grow older we'll learn to pull and walk all day.
Like feeling love, we blush but we turn and sway our hands as we clasp it on them on that warm summer of acceptance.

Right now I'm as dazed and confused as you.
Stuck Between.
Hands on my screen.

I'm at Sixteen.

Notes On Human Errata (2018-2022) Where stories live. Discover now