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I am walking on this wet stone road.
I release a tired groan as I am headed to a withered abode.
Of rotting furnitures
Withering pictures
I sense a small friction on my breast pocket, perhaps it's my mother's locket.
Suddenly a droplet of water drips onto my eye socket.
I look upwards and I see.
A beautiful sky once glowing full of glee.
Now a gloomy sky that is about to cry.
About to release a wave of sadness.
On this land filled with undying madness and happiness
Nevertheless, I find myself hopelessly walking in the corroded cobblestone pathway
As I move away I am soaked in the shivering rain.
The cold feeling somewhat feels appealing.
But my emotions are drifting, into a plethora of changes.
Once happy and full of glittering joy
Now I find myself sad and filled with layers of melancholy.
The land is colly.
Now a muddy messy slope.
Looks like I've ran out of hope.
How quick, what an instant.
Perhaps change is constant.
Like the beautiful cheery skies can quickly shift into a night full of painful cries.
Perhaps there's no absolute meaning
If you're an optimist or pessimist.
It works both ways like opposite.
A man of joy and laughter can feel a pain so depressing and compressing.
A man of negativity and sadness can feel a sudden flow positivity and happiness.

Maybe people should now that their problems are temporary like rain dripping down on your head today.
Then it quickly shifts to the contemporary, you're now dry and feeling quite alright upon waking up from bed someday.

I walk endlessly then it stops, after the rain comes the rainbow.
The yearned sunshine.
Now mine, to see.

The Quick shift once again occurring to me.
Our mood sometimes is like the weather.
This sick feeling will sometimes get better.
Nothing is permanent.
No matter what predicament.
There's always a silver lining.
Like the sun shining.

Notes On Human Errata (2018-2022) Where stories live. Discover now