A swarm of staff frantically running around, trying to ready our food in a timely manner. I cursed under my breath. There were too many here today, I would surely get caught.

My thoughts were interrupted with a blood curdling scream. I cursed again. It was coming from upstairs.

Panic filled my body and fueled me into a mad dash back to my room. I took the steps two at a time, worried my new friends fate was to be sealed swiftly and without mercy.

Rounding the corner of the hallway, the maid was backed against the wall, attempting to be sucked into the cold stone rather than face the terror infront of her. I ran past her and into my room. "Princess no!" I ignored her. I had to protect my friend.

The commotion echoed throughout the building as more servants ran to her aid. I quickly found him, cowering, peering out from around the corner of the bed. He saw me and jumped into my arms, knocking me down to the floor. I wrapped my arms around him and held him close. If they were going to kill him, they would have to kill me first.

My father stormed past the servants, into my room, worry and confusion on his face. He must have been woken by the scream as he looked like he just jumped out of bed, not bothering to take the time to slide his slippers on.

I stared at him, defiantly, awaiting our fate.

"Adaleen!" He roared. My friend flinched within my arms, I clutched him tighter, "My chambers. NOW!"

I slowly got up, still holding my trembling bundle. I would not let him out of my sight now as I was certain it would mean death for him.

I followed my father into his room, as he slammed the door behind me. I glanced at my mother noticing how her expression changed from frightened to amused fairly quickly.

"Explain yourself Addy," my King demanded, hands on his hips, scowl on his face. My mother was smiling, almost lovingly at me. It was odd.

"I found him he was sick hes my friend," I jumbled some mess together, as my brain couldn't piece proper sentences at the moment. My father was an intimidating man but my fear came more from the attention I was currently receiving from parents who gave me very little otherwise. It was a strange feeling.

My father looked to my mother for guidance. She waved him off carelessly, "Oh George, it's a dog for Christ's sake, let her keep him."

"In my Castle?" My father asked angrily. The thought of an uncleanly beast in his midst surely made his stomach churn.

My mother made her way over to him, putting one hand on his shoulder, speaking softly, "She needs a friend, my dear. Maids and servants years older are not enough for a young girl. She should have a companion."

My heart was warmed by my mother's words. I never thought she had noticed me, let alone cared for me. Though I questioned her intent. Did she mean what she said or was this a way to further keep me busy and out of her hair? Whichever angle she was coming from mattered very little to me, I was focused on saving my friend.

My father sighed, defeated, "There will be rules in place if you're determined to keep that nasty thing..."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing! He actually caved to my mother. What kind of power did she have over him?

I nodded, agreeing to do whatever need be to keep the pup by my side.

"You will bath him, immediately. And from there on out, weekly. He will need to be brushed, fed and walked. I will not tolerate accidents, so train him quickly. Also, I cannot have him terrorizing staff. He is to stay with you at all times, he cannot have free reign in this Castle. Are we understood?"

"Yes, majesty," I replied... maybe a bit too earnestly. My mother chuckled at my excitement.

"Run along now, Addy," he motioned me off.

Gladly, father!

I ran back to my room, shutting the door and locking it, the pup could feel my enthusiasm. It seemed to envelop him as he danced around happily with me.

I grinned at him, "You can stay here with me forever if you want!" He kissed my face.

I paused, finger to my lips, thinking, "You need a name. What should we call you?" He sat down infront of me, ears perked, head tilted quizzically.

"Bran?" He sighed. I took that as a no.

"What about... Arthur?" He responded to that suggestion with a snort. So, definite no there.

"Marek?" His head shot up, jumped on me and then off, spinning in circles on the floor. I laughed. It had been determined.

"Marek, what trouble shall we get into today?" I grinned.

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