Prophet Ishaq(As)

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Angels came to prophet Ibrahim(AS) to give 2, news one was good and one was bad. The bad news was the destruction of people of Lut(AS) and the good news was the birth of prophet Ishaq(As).
Then prophet Ishaq(As) was born.

Prophet Ishaq(As) was 15+ yrs younger than his half brother prophet Ismail(AS).
Prophet Ishaq(As) was grown-up in Palestine with his family. When he was old enough to marry his father prophet Ibrahim(AS) didn't want him to marry a disbeliever, so he sent a trustworthy servant to Harran in Iraq.
His servant traveled for many days to reach Harran. The servent met Rabeqa the daughter of the brother of Ibrahim(AS).

Finally, he married a good woman.
Rebeca did not give birth to a child for a long time Ishaq(As) prayed Allah(SWT). After many years she gave birth to twins Eso and prophet Yaqoob(As). In English, we know Yaqoob as Jacob.

Prophet Ishaq(As) invited the people in the path of Allah(SWT). At the land of Kannan in his old age, he became blind and settle with his son Yaqoob(As) in the village of the Hebron which is in Palestine.

He died when he was 180 yrs old due to illness. His son Eso and Yaqoob(As) buried him next to his father Ibrahim(AS).

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