Chapter Two

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A/N - This is the NEWER and Beta-ed version. I deleted the ones i posted a week ago, due to several critics. I truly didn't mean to let my readers to read something absolutely painful for your eyes when it comes to my grammars etc. So, i had @Lucapyon went through chapter two and I must say, it look better now. I added quite a lot of parts that the previous ones doesn't have. 

I will say it again, I apologize for the previous update. It was horrible yes. I hope you'll like this one and the upcoming updates.

Info - Since it's mideval book, names will be rearranged like the old days, example - Akashi Seijuro - Seijuro Akashi , Kuroko Tetsuki - Tetsuki Kuroko, Himuro Tatsuya - Tatsuya Himuro etc.

There will be several words you may have not seen before in this chapter but yes as chapters goes by, more unusual phrase/words will show up.

Anyway, i know some have already read the previous ones, please give this one a try. 

To @Lucapyon, i can't thank you enough for accepting my request on beta-ing. 


The pitch-black portal began to shine brightly, and before she knew it, they fell from the sky where it was dark. The warmth from the silver-haired man was fading as coldness took over. She looked up, the man that saved their lives had been holding onto her tightly, barely conscious. She could hear him groaning in pain with his orbs shut tight. She searched for her two dear friends, slightly relieved but soon evolved to panic, "Kise-kun! Aomine-kun!" She called for them though she knew they were unconscious.

Then, she shifted her gaze to the earth below them. To her horror, the ground was getting closer to them as her breath hitched, "Please! Open your eyes! We're falling!" She shook him. His breathing came in heavy pants, "I …can't…" He croaked. Her orbs grew wider; quickly she hugged the taller man with her eyes shut, waiting for her impending death.


Suddenly, something cushioned their fall, with the sound of horses neighing around them. Kuroko blinked as she looked around her. A pack of horse riders and armed swordsmen surrounded them, all eyes focused on them. Then, she looked beneath them; a silver colored barrier of some sort protected them from the ground. Slowly, it lowered them. She sighed, "Thank goodness…"

"BROTHER/YOUR HIGHNESS!" Someone rushed to her side where the stranger named Seijuro laid unconscious in her arms, "Brother, we came as fast we could." With the help of the forest green-haired man, she got up, while the man with an uncanny resemblance to Seijuro frowned at the sight of blood pooling underneath them.

"Dear God…He's been poisoned! Where's Atsushi?!" His tone changed as he carefully turned his brother to lie on his back. On cue, a tall man—higher than two feet—showed up among the swordsmen as they gave way to the violet-haired giant, "I'm here." He crouched down as his violet orbs assessed the wounds on the silver-haired man in the younger twin’s arms, "I need lots of clean water and cloth. Someone must get my kit from the castle. I cannot heal these wounds with my magic, Ryu-chin. They’re too severe."

"Can't we move them to the castle?" Atsushi shook his head, "If we move them too much, they'll die. The best option left is to treat them here."He frowned, lips forming a thin straight line, "Poison from dark magic arrows…" As his violet orbs assessed the smaller man’s body, patches of black filled with dark magic began to appear on his body.

"The poison’s taking effect on his body…Ryu-chin; I need your help to remove the dark magic in Sei-chin's body."

The long silver-haired man, Ryu, grit his teeth, "Brother, who did this to you?! Is it him again?!" His brother struggled to open his eyes, "Save…me…later…they need…Atsushi…more than…I do…" Weakly, he pointed at the blonde-haired teen whose left arm no longer existed, while an unconscious bluenette sprawled on the ground with his spine crooked in a weird manner. He looked at Atsushi; "It's…an…order…" He choked on his blood. Slowly, he lost conscious before his head lolled to the side.

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