Chapter 10

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Get ready for a long chapter😁
And in the bottom I just wrote about my CNCO Concert experience with my sister.

The next day......

Luna's POV

I woke up with a massive headache. I felt some weight on my body and I looked to see who it was, and it was..... an arm!😂(jk) I turned my head around to see the person and it was Erick. Aww! He's so adorable when he's sleeping.  As long as I want to keep watching him sleep(not in a creepy way) but I couldn't stand this headache anymore so I quietly got up from bed. I went to the bathroom and changed into some comfortable clothes and headed downstairs to the kitchen. I took some pill for my hangover (don't know what its called) and I went back to my room with some water and one of those pills for Erick too since he's probably hungover too. While I was on my way to my room I started remembering everything from last night. I'm Erick's GIRLFRIEND NOW!! I can't believe it.
  You're probably thinking why I didn't think much about Erick sleeping over on my bed, well he slept over all the time and on my bed too. It was kind of a normal thing. But now he's my BOYFRIEND!! ERICK BRIAN COLON IS MY BOYFRIEND!!💕
       So I then I got to my room, I opened the door and saw a shirtless Erick with a towel around his waist. It looks like he just showered. When did he shower though? How long have I been in the kitchen? Did I take longer when I was lost in my thoughts? Whatever. I just stared at him. At his abs😍 He then walked up to me waving his hand in my face and calling me.

Erick- Hola! Hola! Luna! Estas bien?

Luna- umm..... Si, que dijistes?

Erick- que si estás bien?

Luna- umm... Si, estoy bien.¿ Porque preguntas?

Erick- Por que tú me siguias mirando.

Luna- umm.... Por que tu no tienes camisa y solo tienes una toalla.
I said while blushing and trying to hide it.

Erick- ¿Porque sigues tartamudeando?

Luna-  Pues.... No se.

Erick- pero yo si se porque.

Luna- pues ¿por que?
I said nervously.

Erick- por que yo te pongo nerviosa.
He whispered that in my ear and I got goosebumps.

Luna-  T..tu...Tú crees?

Erick- Si.
He said while getting closer to me. The more steps he took towards me, the more steps I took backwards until I hit the wall and couldn't back up no more. He got closer to me and kissed me. Obviously I kissed him back. His lips were so soft. It soon turned into a makeout session. But I stopped him.

Luna- no tienes un hangover o un dolor de cabeza?

Erick- Si tengo uno. ¿Tienes algo para aliviarme el dolor de cabeza?

Luna- Si, aqui está.
I said while giving him the pill and some water.

Erick- Gracias. Me voy a vestir.
He said while getting some clothes. (Yes, he has some of his clothes at my house because he sleeps over a lot and they're clean) He was about to start changing when he saw that I was still in the room.

Erick- Te vas a quedar?

Luna- umm... No, me voy a bañar.
I said while getting my clothes and going in my bathroom.

Erick- oh ok.

I took a quick shower. I did all that I needed to do and got dressed.

I went downstairs to the living room and saw Erick watching Elite (who else like that show?) It was 11:00 so I decided to cook some breakfast. I cooked 2 pancakes for me and 2 pancakes for him. While I was putting his pancakes on the plate I felt some arms around my waist, someone hugging me from the back. It was obviously Erick. I served him his pancakes and went to eat at the table.
We finished eating and he asked me something.

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