Chapter 6

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The song probably doesn't even go with the chapter but I just like it. Hope you enjoy it 😘


Third Person POV

So the first person to wake up was Luna. She woke up on the couch(btw she fell asleep sitting up) and saw that someone had fallen asleep on her lap. She looked to see who it was and it was Erick. She really likes Erick, as a fan. But you never know if she'll actually have feelings for him, or if Erick starts to have actual feelings towards her. She was just starting at how cute Erick Looked Like When he sleeps. He looked so peaceful. She started to play with his hair. He then started to shuffle in his sleep and started to open his eyes. She acted like she was asleep.

Luna's POV

So I acted like I was asleep so Erick wouldn't see that I was playing with his hair. I then feel like he's looking at me and I know he's gonna say something. And he does.
Erick- buenos dias, Luna.

I make it look like im just starting to wake up right now.

Erick- Luna, no te hagas la dormida. Yo se que tu estabas jugando con mi pelo.

He tells me and starts laughing. I open my eyes and stay laughing. We stay in the same position though. He's still laying on my lap but now his head is facing up looking at me.

Me- perdon por jugar con tu pelo.

Erick- No, esta bien. Me gusta. Me relaja. ¿Puedes jugar con mi pelo otra vez?

I do what he asks and I start playing with his hair and he just closes his but I know he's not asleep. We're still the only ones awake. My mom still hasn't woken up either, Probably because its only 8:30a.m. The other boys and Melanie are on the other couches and sofas. Then, an idea pops into my head.

Me- Erick!
I whisper yell

Erick- que pasa
He opens his eyes and sits back up.

Me- tengo una idea. Podemos hacerle un prank a los otros!

Erick- okay ¿Que vamos a hacer?

Me- vamos a ir para la cocina y cojer(grab) unos ollas y sartenes y vamos a darle duro para que haga mucho ruido y se despierten. ¿Que dices?

Erick- me gusta la idea.

We get up and go to the kitchen. We grab some pots and pans. Then we plan on starting to bang them when we count from 3.



We start banging them.

Erick y yo- DESPIERTENSE!!!!
We both yell and then we laugh at their reactions😂 They all get up quickly and start yelling at us. But me and Erick just keep laughing. I'm happy. Erick is a fun person. I hope we keep being friends. They are on break for like 6 months(I know its too long of a break but idc, its fiction anyways). Everyone gets up and walks towards us.

Richard- so como ustedes nos levantaron. ¿Vamos a comer desayuno?

Me- Si. ¿Que quieren para comer? Yo les hago él desayuno a todos.

Chris- Pancakes!

Me- okay. Ahora se los hago.

Erick- ¿Que tal si te ayudo a cocinar? Yo hago unos pancakes muy buenos.

Me- Si, gracias por que serian como 14 pancakes por que cada uno de nosotros probablemente vamos a comer dos pancakes.

He's so nice☺ I get two pans and give one to him. Everyone is now just in the living room talking and messing around. Erick starts making the pancake mix and I start buttering the pans. We're both now making the pancakes. We've already fed Richard, Zabdiel, Melanie, and Joel. And now the only ones left to eat is Me, Erick, and Chris. I give Chris his pancakes. By the time me and Erick finish making ourselves pancakes Christopher already finished his. He eats a lot😂 Now all of them are in the living room and me and Erick are eating in the Dining room. The dining room is a whole separate room so we can't really see into the living room. Me and Erick were just talking casually. He just wanted to know more about me since I already know about him. Then he asks....

Erick- ¿Tienes un novio?
He says kind of nervous while scratching the back of his head.

Me- no. ¿por que preguntas?
Could he like me or was he just curious? No, he couldn't possibly like me. I'm just a regular girl and he's a famous guy, but he's my friend now. He's probably just curious.

Erick- yo solo pregunto. ¿Pero te puedo preguntar algo mas?

Me- claro

Erick- ¿Cual es tu favorito del grupo?

Me- umm.......No se

Erick- oh ok

He says that and he seemed kind of bummed out or something. But I was just playing with him. He's obviously my favorite.

Me- I'm just kidding! Tú eres mi favorito!
I say and he instantly looks up at me and smiles.

Erick- ¿ Y porque soy tu favorito?

Umm.....let me think. Um.... EVERYTHING!😂😍✨

Me- por que tu eres muy amable, cute, muy bien cantante, eres muy cómico, yo e hablado mas contigo que con los otros y obviamente también por eso ojos verdes tan hermosos. Aunque todos los demas son buen cantantes y amable pero tú eres
Diferente pero de Buena manera.

Omg! I can't believe I just said all of that. What will he think of me?🤦🏽

Erick- muchas gracias.
He says smiling at me😁

Me- ¿y tu, que te gusta de mi?"
Why did I just ask that?

Erick- pues, me gusta mucho tu sonrisa, tú también eres muy cómica, me gusta tú pelo ondulado, y también cantas buen, y eres muy bonita.

I smile right after he said that. So if you're in the living room you can't see anything that happens in the kitchen or dining room. After that me and Erick go to the kitchen to wash the plates. We finished washing the plates and and I was about to leave to go to the living room but someone pls me by my wrists and turns me around. I see who it is and its Erick. He just hugs me. Its a long hug and I enjoyed it. He then let's go.

Me- ¿para que fue eso?

Erick- solo te quería abrazar.

Then we just walk into the living room and we all just talk, laugh and mess around until the have to leave. I have them all a kiss and a hug and then they left. Mel left too. Today went really good. I'm happy.

A/N: so was just reading some CNCO fanfics and then an idea popped into my head and I just had to write it. Hope you guys liked it!✨I finished this at 2 in the morning! vote and comment! Btw happy three kind day if you celebrate it! Feliz día de los tres reyes magos!🎁 Bye💕 I'll probably update later today or tomorrow.
~ Adriana🇵🇷✨

Fan Enamorada (Erick Brian Colon) ON HOLD‼️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें