nap time

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A/N: oof i haven't posted in like almost a year but it's whatever. this fic is honestly so cringey and i watched the first episode of season 8 and i refuse to watch anymore bc of how they did like everyone on the team especially allura, lance, and shiro. like i feel PLAYED, WE WERE ROOTING FOR YALL AND YOU DID US SO DIRTY. honestly even though i ship klance i knew allurance was end game but still holy shit our expectations were low but fuck. so yeah i'll just probably update this fic whenever? i mainly just do it at night when i'm bored like once every year wtf. but yeah i'll talk about my life a bit at the very end in some other A/N so enjoy bbys.
keith slowly began to wake up from his sleep. he felt really good, which was pretty weird for him?? he felt like he had slept better than he ever had before.

he lifted his face up from the mattress and wondered why he felt so cold. all at once the memories of last night hit him and it felt like the wind was knocked out of his chest.

lance hadn't stayed. it was 6:30 in the morning and lance had gotten up and left and lance hadn't stayed.

it's not like he had to stay. keith just suddenly felt insecure about the whole thing. did lance think it was a mistake? had keith latched onto him or something in his sleep? did he make lance uncomfortable? he didn't know.

he decided to push it to the back of his mind and get ready for the day. after brushing his teeth, showering, getting changed, etc, he put his shoes on and walked out of the door. it was around 7 AM now and keith never woke up this late. it was odd. it was probably lances fault.

keith's gut twisted when he thought of lance again and how he left. about how he was gone. gone, gone, gone. everyone was always gone, always leaving, where were they goin-

keith stopped himself from going down that train of thought again. he took in a deep breath and decided to go train for a while. his feet dragged against each other and keith just felt all over, unmistakably miserable.

when getting to the training deck he went at it for about an hour until his grumbling stomach wouldn't stop practically fucking yelling at him (growling more like) and he decided to get some breakfast.

he headed down to the kitchen to get some food, or goo, he thought. it was all the same to him he supposed.

he went to the "living room" they had and when he went to go sit down he noticed something on the couch.

well, someone.

lance was asleep on the couch, curled up horizontally and taking up most of the couch. keith swore his heart stopped for at least three seconds.

he didn't want to wake him and disturb him so he gently lifted his feet and put them on his lap while sitting on the other end of the couch and eating his breakfast.

he kept looking back at lance until eventually when he looked at lance he saw lance looking back.

caught red-handed.

"mmm" lance grumbled sleepily. "did ju make dat or did h'nk?" he asked as if having his feet on keith's lap was an everyday thing.

"uh, i did." keith said.

"hmf," lance said sitting up. "then it's probably not good." he finished his sentence while stretching his arms up.

"it's just goo, how is hunk's better than mine if it's the same exact process?" keith said offensively.

"jus' is." lance replied twisting his body and lying back down on the couch.

keith kept staring at lance with that same twisting feeling in his gut from earlier.

lance perked through his bangs and said with a smirk, "you like what you see?"

keith turned bright red and shoved lance's feet from his lap. "you wish." he said.

"mmhmm" lance replied before bursting into laughter.

"you're funny keith." lance said while smiling. he had the goofiest smile ever.

"i know." keith said in reply, earning a kick on the leg from lance.

"don't be egotistical and take the freakin' compliment." lance said.

"don't ever quote vines to me again." keith said seriously.

"i'm so proud you watched vines on earth." lance says holding his hands above his heart.

"of course i watched vines, stupid."

"how RUDE! don't be fuCKInG rUde!" lance said while laughing.

keith groaned and put his head in his hands. "i'm done, wake me up when you die."

"how can i wake you up if i'm dead?" lance questioned.

"figure it out, oh wise one." keith said while mockingly posing towards lance.

lance just snorted and shoved keith in the side. they sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, taking in each other's presence. it was nice.

"sorry if i bothered you last night." lance broke the silence.

"you didn't bother me, everyone needs someone from time to time." keith said reassuringly.

"that's actually, really sweet keith. thank you." lance said happily.

"of course it's sweet, i said it after all." keith said.

"yeah, sure, keep telling yourself that bud." lance drawled.

they both snickered after a moment and fell back into silence. and before they knew it, they had leaned closer to each other and that silence turned into the two of them falling asleep.

A/N: so school has been hard, i'm drained, and i have a lot of health problems but it be like that. i haven't gotten those rats yet, which i'm sad about, but it's p chill. thanks for reading this shitty fic i'm not gonna look over this but yeah ily guys.

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