Chapter Twenty-Six

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The silence that followed Roman's action was deafening. The only noise in the room was his own rugged breathing. He stared down at the crumpled from of the dark prince, then looked up toward the Virgil in the cage. "Why are there still two of you?"

"These..." he said, hissing in pain as he extended his wrists. The metal bracelets were gripping his wrist, making the skin around it red and purple from bruising and rubbing. He winced as he forced his hands through the bars. Roman came over to hold them and inspect them. "Remember? These keep me chained in the physical realm. If you get them off, I should return to my body."

"Okay, but the air might sting and I have nothing to wrap them with," he warned.

Virgil just nodded and closed his eyes. With a deep breath, Roman focused heat into his finger and slid it down the center of each of the bracelets. Steam rose up as they fell to the bottom of the cage with a clank. The dark prince shivered as his body began to appear transparent.

"Is this what's supposed to be happening?" the prince asked frantically as he began to disappear. "You're returning to your body right?"

He nodded as he disappeared completely with a gasp. Roman jumped to his feet and ran back towards the unconscious Virgil on the ground. He slid to the ground and pulled him to rest on his thighs. "Virgil?" he said, shaking him as he tried to wake him up. He hoped he didn't hit him too hard. "Virgil!"

A strangled gasp came from the dark prince's mouth as his dark brown eyes opened suddenly. He was breathing hard and grabbed onto Roman's arm, looking up at him in shock.

"Are you... are you... you?" the prince asked softly. He slowly nodded, as though he couldn't believe it himself. They stared at each other for a moment before a small smile began to spread across Roman's face. Tears shimmered in his eyes as he pulled him close and hugged him tight. "You're back."

Virgil began to cry as he hugged him back weakly. "I-I'm back," he whispered.

"Ah, what a touching moment," a deep voice said.

The princes both looked toward the voice, but neither could react before Roman was sent flying across the room. He hit the wall hard enough to crack it, and crumpled to the ground, not moving. Virgil cried out and tried to get to his feet to run to him, but the attacker wrapped an arm around his throat and trapped him.

Roman's head was throbbing and his ears were ringing as he blinked his eyes open. His vision had gone fuzzy, but it cleared as he looked up where the person holding Virgil was. It was that man he'd seen in front of the fortress. He must be the dark prince's captor.

"I have to say, I'm shocked you came this far," he said, lips curling into a cruel smile. Virgil struggled against his hold uselessly; he was far too weak to fight him. "But we'll need to be going now."

"No... we had a deal," he yelled. He struggled to his feet and glared at him. "You said if I succeeded in my combat trial, you'd release him."

The man chuckled darkly and jerked the dark prince backwards by the neck, making him choke a little. "Don't you have any idea who I am? I don't keep deals, I make them and I break them. I do whatever it takes to make things happen because that's my purpose," he snarled with that same malicious smile. "My name is Tsyla Tac, but you can just call me the man who's about to kill the boy you love."

"No!" Roman cried, lunging forward as he chuckled.

Suddenly, there was a sharp crack and a flash of light. He was blinded momentarily and he had to shield his eyes. When he looked back, the two of them were gone. "No... no, no, no!" he said, voice steadily growing louder and more desperate. He couldn't do this again. He refused to do this again. He grabbed his sword, feeling fire coursing through his veins. "Where did you go, you son of a bitch?!"

He ran through from the room, finding himself in much more normal-looking castle corridors. He heard footsteps running toward him and raised his sword, prepared for a fight. The approaching enemies rounded the corner and readied to strike when-

"Roman! We found you!" Luis cried, rushing forward to hug him.

"Luis! Thorn! You two are alright!" he said in realization as the two of them gripped him tightly. "What happened after your trials? Were you hurt?!"

Thorn shook her head. "After mine, I was automatically kicked out of the fortress. I found Luis out there waiting for me," she began to explain. "We broke back in to find you and save Virgil when we ran into a bit of a problem."

"What problem?" Roman asked.

"That guy is at the top of the tower and getting ready to throw Virgil off of it!" the younger prince exclaimed. He was about to demand what direction he needed to go when much heavier footsteps started coming from the direction they had. "Oh, and we're being pursued."

The princess clapped her hands and created a barrier of thorny vines between them and the approaching guards. The guards were skeletons pulsing with purple and black energy and they began slashing at the vines with no hesitation upon reaching it. "We'll hold them here, go save Virgil," she insisted, readying her stance for a fight.

"Thank you, both of you," he rushed out.

"Go you dumbass!!" she yelled.

He turned and began sprinting in the other direction, determined to find a path to the tower. The actual castle was fortunately not very hard to navigate and he soon for the winding stairwell that would take him where he needed to go. He drew his sword and ran hard up the stairs, reaching the top.

The prince halted, seeing his dark prince dangling precariously over the edge. He was being held by the shirt by his captor as though it wasn't even difficult to hold his weigh; he wondered if that was because of his strength or because of how malnourished Virgil was.

"Ah, good, you're here to witness this," he said.

"Release him you bastard," Roman replied, raising his sword.

He cackled and grinned evilly, making the prince's heart drop in his chest. "Okay," he said as he let go of Virgil's shirt.

Savage - Prinxiety [Sequel To "Monster"] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now